The Origins of My Pets' Names...
17 years, 2 months & 12 days ago

1st Jan 2008 23:38
Well, here's a blog describing the names of my pets...
Abyssal_Knight: It's a Knight in black armor. Black_Knight was already taken, and as such I picked Abyssal as a substitute because it also suggests darkness and it sounds cool.
Butow: Acronym for Blow Up the Outside World, my favorite Soundgarden song
ChrisCornell: Chris Cornell is the lead singer of Soundgarden, Audioslave, Temple of the Dog, and is now a soloist. All of the bands he's been in are among my favorites, and as a soloist he is one of my favorite artists, so I named a pet after him.
Elfredrick: Elf+Fredrick. I was going to name it Elfred, but it was taken.
KurtCobain: Lead singer of Nirvana (90's Grunge Band) before he died. Liked the band, so I named a pet after him. And he was the Superhero of the 90's in a way.
MegaPiggeh: Piggeh=Piggy. It is Mega Piggy.
Outshined: Another Soundgarden song I like.
Paxia: The name of the island that contains the clans on an online game. And since I'm an active member in one of the clans in that game, I decided to name a pet after it. Eventually, that pet became a Ghost Snookle.
Reilly: Named Reilly when I got it in trade for Infernine (My Fire Quell)
Spookerze: Given to me by PunkRoqPrincess (As a Ghost Fasoro)
Sugarcult: Traded to me for a Mordo named Quills from PunkRoqPrincess.
Thad_Beaumont: Thad Beaumont is a schizophrenic character (In a way) in Stephen King's novel "The Dark Half". And since Schizophrenia is an psychological disorder and so is being Emo, I put the two together when it had an Emo Costume on. Then I changed the costume to Mutant because it looks better, and Thad Beaumont is sort of a mutant, too(In the book). Why Mordo? Because Mordo is just awesome like that.