16 years & 1 month ago

12th Feb 2009 20:18
I finally got a water fassie! Thanks to the generousity of miyumiyu. I gots my dream pet now. I will love her and take good care of her.
Weekly Raffle Winner
16 years, 4 months & 5 days ago

8th Nov 2008 06:18
This weeks raffle winner was SandyII.
Thank you everyone for purchasing from my shop. Make sure you stop the shop this week to get a chance at next Saturdays raffle.
Weekly Raffle...Why not give it a try?
16 years, 4 months & 13 days ago

31st Oct 2008 20:14
November 1 starts my shops monthly raffles. Here's how it works.
Every month I will have a "world" of the month in which my shop will feature items from that world. Each week, on Saturday, I will raffle off an item from that world. If there is a quest in that world, it will be an item from that quest, if there is no quest or the quest only offers mp, it will be an item of some value, no crap, I promise.
How do you get into the raffle? Buy an item from my shop that is from that world, I will be restocking every Saturday. I will only have 50 items in my shop each week, but in order for me to choose a raffle winner, all items must be sold.
November is "Gigantic Paradise". I will be raffling off a ball of yarn each week and post the winner here as well as email the winner.
Happy Shopping and good luck!

Very Disappointed
16 years, 4 months & 27 days ago

17th Oct 2008 14:34
Okay, I apologize if I offend someone but seriously people.
I thought the whole purpose of events was for people to have fun, make a few friends, and enjoy themselves. Not take advantage of people by price gouging just because an item is needed for a certain level.
I thank those people who are lending out of the goodness of their hearts or at reasonable prices. You obviously realize what Marapets is all about.
And I would also like to thank the people who helped me when I got stuck, it was greatly appreciated.

Working on Goals
16 years, 7 months & 2 days ago

11th Aug 2008 17:12
Okay, so I'm at the point in three of the goals where I need certain pets. Looking for a Viotto,voodoo and zombie pet. Will either "borrow", but willing to trade, if trading I would like fassies for voodoo & zombie. There are certain pets I won't trade, but if your willing to trade or let me "borrow", maramail me. Bernie_Fred, schokierender, Spookmenow are not for trade.