a protecter
17 years, 2 months & 29 days ago

28th Dec 2007 16:58
i hav a dog and ill tell u the story about it while i was with my friends we spot a little puppy and my friends started to beat it up i couldnt take it so i was protecting it and my friends went away it had a broken leg i used my savings to nurse it back to health months later i was lost in the woods then a rattlesnake came and i knew i would i die then a dog came and scared it away and i noticed it anywhere it was the puppy but it was a full grown dog i got tired and fell asleep the next morning the dog was next to me guarding of any danger then my parents found me crying i said "that dog saved me" and it became my pet i named it taro it meanes"brave" and now me and taro will never forget the day
- a true story
wish i can be mrs. bloom
17 years, 3 months & 18 days ago

9th Dec 2007 11:15
i watched pirates of the caribbean and i want 2 marry Orlando Bloom so bad