my father

17 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
30th Dec 2007 16:12i cry in bed everyday knowing ill meet my father someday we seperated when i was 9 and ill never see him when the day ill die my father was a funny man he likes 2 play musics with pans but when the day came when he had 2 go thats the last day i saw that i no and my heart was broken i can hear his voice on the phone but that was the last time i heard him, last i luv,no one can help me my mom did everthing to cheer me up but it she faled but one day i was my house i smelled something and i new my scent it was my father happier than ever hugged him and i cried and cried and my father told me we were more connected than anyone but once he let go he said time was past now and went away like a distance memory thats the day ill never forget right now ive never seen him in months hes last words before he left was our is with us wer ever we go
- a true story