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17 years, 3 months & 6 days ago

20th Dec 2007 13:19
|............| Put This On Your
|............| Page If You Have
|.PUSH.O| Ever Pushed A
|............| Door That Said Pull!
hotdogs and bamboo shoots
17 years, 3 months & 11 days ago

15th Dec 2007 11:44
balogna is my door handles name and it likes to eat my dog and when he grows up he would like to be an dentist but he cant beacause his purse is purple and he wifes dress has spilt monkey on it but he does like bannah splits beacause mud makes him sneeze. and his mother makes homeade cookies but they taste like mud and he loves them!sometimes he flys into yhe heVENS to get away from this cruel world he rides his poney all the way and when he gets up there from that long trip and he likes money.sometimes his grandma tells him stories when he is being a yoggie bear..he loves his horsie named grandma who doenst tell him stories he kicks him but he loves him anyway.sometimes he pets his pet trash can who is a jelly filled doughnut ,uu drudddd od red