Vampire Baseball.
15 years, 11 months & 20 days ago

24th Mar 2009 20:37
Peter and Stephenie ran to the outfield. Rob followed. Alice skipped to the pitcher's mound and sat down to wait. I spinned the bat in my hands looking for one more person.
"You there!" I pointed to the dark woods. Will looked at me like I was crazy, "show yourself.". With a sigh the vampire who was hiding in the woods walked into my line of sight. He had curly dark brown hair.
"Your name." I commanded
"Jasper Morgan, ma'am." he answered in a wary tone.
" 119, Dallas, Texas."
"Yes." he confirmed. I nodded and handed him my bat,
"Do you know who I am?" He shook his head.
"The next queen of the vampires. And you're playing. That's an order." I ran back to stand beside Will.
"You bat first. I'm Reighn, this is Will, and that's his twin, Alice. The two blonds are Peter and Stephenie. The red-head is Rob." He zoomed to home plate and held up the black bat.
"Game on." Alice said with a smirk, before she pitched the ball. She threw it hard, when Jasper hit it the ball made a loud thundering smack. He sent it flying toward Coldwater Creek. Stephenie was closest so she ran after it with great speed, but not as fast as me. Jasper ran fast, blurring a little at the edges. Mindlessly, I climbed onto Will's back and started yelling, "Go Jasper!!!". I wrapped my legs around Will's waist.
"Hi there," I said playfully biting his neck, "Mmm, yummy. You taste much better than Rob."
"How good does he taste?"
"Bad. Like a vampire." He laughed loudly.I laughed too, and used his shoulders to jump over his head.
"Watch and learn, Jasper. This is how you hit a ball." I nodded to Alice to throw the ball when I was ready. The ball curved a little but I hit it way farther than Jasper. With a loud whoop I ran as fast as I could around the bases. I went around twice, just because I could. I snuck a glance at my family, the guys had their jaws dropping. Jasper was staring at my neck, I rubbed it to divert his attention.
"That was amazing." Stephenie smiled up at me, her voice was as high as mine, but more girlie. A voice that went with blonde curls and pink bubblegum rather than loud music and black nails. I smiled back down at her.
"Will." I called pointing to behind the fire, "Conversation."He followed me and stared down into my eyes.
"I just saw Jasper and I walking down a hall with lockers.His arm was looped with mine and we were laughing. I want him to join our family, I want him as my brother. As my twin." He frowned and his bright red eyes narrowed. I stepped closer and put my body against his,
"Please? I really want Jasper to be my brother," I pouted, raising myself onto my toes, "please."
"Fine," he bent his head to kiss my nose,"But, if he starts to love you I will hurt him." I growled and punched him in the gut,
"You will NEVER ever hurt my Jasper." I showed my teeth instictivly, in defense. He held his hand up, I smiled and skipped away to get Jasper. I took his hand and pulled him to the far end of our clearing.
"What's wrong, Reighn?"