MaraWorld <3
17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago

19th Dec 2007 15:13
These include the levels and rewards for Missions and Quests. Also Special events like my Wishlist.
My Wish list: Stars mean i really want them
- A Le pet *****
- pet potions
- clothes i do not have
- An extra pet give box *****
- Books for Tarquin *****
- A Username profile
- Anything cool realy
Quests and Missions <3
Tarquin: [x]
I am on level:
1) Wormy Apple
2) 100 mps
3) Tarquin's T-Shirt
4) 250 mps
5) Tarquin Shield
6) 500 mps
7) 600 mps
8) Tarquin Book
9) 750 mps
10) 850 mps
11) 1,000 mps
12) Tarquin dvd
13) 1,100 mps
14) 1,200 mps
Staff Please Read...
17 years & 4 months ago

20th Nov 2007 17:04
Dear Staff,
Please do not bann me or my family and friends because I let them use my email and my computer alot. My sisters are Meerkatlover600, Meerkat600 and animalbrk while my friends usernames are pixielily and BlackBluePanda. We are not cheating but my sisters do send me alot of items and stuff because they owe me for stuff I help them with in real life. We, also give each other tons of items, pets and mps to help each other out in order to get our dream stuff but we still work hard.
Love, Animals600