Please sign here (:
15 years, 8 months & 11 days ago

2nd Jul 2009 08:48
Please sign if you visited. :]
About Me:
Location: Somewhere in the U.S.
Age: Pssh, I'm going to ignore that =D
Gender: I think it's pretty obvious I'm a girl.. Isn't it?
Occupation: Umm... Marapets pixeller?
Siblings: One annoying brother! Wait, no, he's not a boy, he calls himself an otter. Tcccshh, kids an their imaginations...
Dream pet: Cotton Candy Sindi (did you hear that, Zwinkyy?! SO DON'T GET ME A CHIBS! OR A SINDI! )
Ummm, so I guess that's it? Ha, no.
I am totally in love with music, and I'm trying to become a good pixeller. I've just started, so that's why my graphics are pretty low quality. But if you like what you see, REQUEST! All I want is someone to put one of my graphics on their profile or signature. And I would gladly appreciate constructive criticism and help. As you can see, I kinda need it..
Umm, I'm always up for new pixel ideas, so if you wanna shoot something by me, maramail or post here ^-^ but don't make it too complicated, please..
Also, the only program (probably until I get my own laptop, which is... never) I use is Paint, so if you're gonna help, it has to associate with Paint.
Also, PLEASE DONATE TO MY DREAM PET FUND! I would gladly appreciate it and put your name up in a new blog for everyone to see =^.^=
Well, now I'm done. Did I say to sign when you visit? I did? Oh, well, PLEASE SIGN!!! Hehe, I had to do that.
??? Beary