Just to remind me
16 years, 2 months & 5 days ago

12th Jan 2009 22:22
Problems still waiting for Staff answer/solution:
-28k RPs trade refund for when all trades where cancelled back in August/September ("You have now been refunded 0MP, 28000RP and 0BP from your Offer #1322237 on Trade Lot #1552943." - Never saw them again)
-Refund and/or punishment of those who took advantage on the shop glitch in August '08 and ripped me of at least 1 mill and that's keeping me from withdrawing from my shoptill.
-Punishment on the girl who stole 13k BP for me. And refund. It was in august.
-AU potions exchange for LE potions. 2 kinds. Since November.
- Tatinha Elite Gym to be fixed - Asking for 6 diamonds, not 3. August, if I'm not mistaken.
Plans for the temples
16 years, 2 months & 12 days ago

5th Jan 2009 16:26
Debbie: Angel Fassie, probably
Tatinha: No idea!!!! Probably an Ercuw/Quell and then Fire (or Baby if Quell)... Or a chibs, not sure...
Trade - Items needed and rules
16 years, 2 months & 30 days ago

18th Dec 2008 15:30
Rune: D
Hieroglyphic: N and S
Simerian Explorer Treasure Map: 1x #1
Fugunzel Treasure Map: 1x #1, #2, #3 and #6; 2x #4 and #16
-One for One! Unless one is worth, for example, 1 mill and two or more together are worth it, I won't accept. Go find someone else to scam.
-Maramail first, so we can get to terms.
-I won't accept major underoffers. (example: a 100k key for a 500k key. I rather buy in those cases.)
-Major overoffers'll be compensated.
-Lame offers will root.
Missions currently open
16 years & 3 months ago

17th Dec 2008 15:55
Tarquin - 19/30
Trotter's - 10/30 (failed on 28 for the $#$%/%&/ Zetzilla Attacks and then on level 16 or 17 because it asked me a goal DVD and Staff didn't reply me)
Finished Tarquin 3 times (or 4?) and Rubbish Dump 1 time.
Female BC still needed: 56 79
16 years, 10 months & 29 days ago

18th Apr 2008 10:26
I'll always be in debt with you for sending me the books!
As soon as I can, I'll send them back to you, hun!
Being a Punk Book
Guide to Candy Book
Speiros Spiral Book
Candy Mysteries Book