13 years, 8 months & 15 days ago

30th Jun 2011 13:01
Send a CE.
I will take 450k for it. (:
Dream Pet Goal
13 years, 8 months & 23 days ago

22nd Jun 2011 16:05
I have Larissa in the temple to become
Angel. I had a friend named Larissa who died in 2009 due to a horseback riding incident. Since then, I got the pet Larissa, made her a chibs, and now I'm making her Angel.
I want Larissa at level 15 by September.
Right now, she's at level 8.
I have 3,650,000MP in my bank, but it will NOT be enough.
Donations are always appreciated, but definitely not necessary. I won't be able to make a lot of MP due to complications with my health, but I will do my best to reach my goal.
Thanks for reading!
Sam- 1,000,000MP
You Know Who You Are(: - 5,000,000MP
13 years, 9 months & 3 days ago

12th Jun 2011 17:08
Avaleigh and Larissa will be the same with Stats.
150+ in everything = []
500+ in everything= []
1000+ in everything= []
150+ in everything = []
500+ in everything= []
1000+ in everything= []
Larissa is an Angel Chibs= []
Avaleigh is a Firefairy Rofling= []
13 years & 10 months ago

15th May 2011 09:38
CIRCUS- I've completed level(s) 30.
RUSTY TWINS- I've completed level(s) 7. (Screw it- Bones cost too much!)
SEWER CLEANER- I've completed level(s) 0.
TARQUIN- I've completed level(s) 0.