About me.
14 years, 8 months & 29 days ago

15th Jun 2010 10:08
These are just a few random facts about myself.
-If I am to be labeled by someone, I prefer Indie.
-Mars Argo is my idol.
-I'm a Surrealist.
-Salvador Dali and Nathan Jurevicius are my Surrealism inspirations, though comepletely different.
-I listen to odd music.
-I live in a large state in the South.
???Oh come on now, it must be obvious.
-I'm moving to Boston soon.
-I have a Bearded Dragon and hamster.
???I don't think they should meet.
-The bagpipe is my favorite instrument.
-I honestly don't care about trading pets.
-I love going to concerts.
-I was born on Thanksgiving.
???Happy Make-Your-Momma Scream Day.
-I love scenery.
-I'm into photography.
-I travel.
-Favorite Destination-Downtown.
-I don't look it, but I am a huge videogame nerd.
???Ha, you don't even know what I look like.
-Circa Survive is one of my favorite bands.
???Anthony Green's voice just gets me.
-I love thrift stores.
-I meet alot of odd and extravagent people.
-I have one of those silly little bracelets that are in the shapes of animals.
???It's a pink Octopus.
-I love animals.
-I see beauty in all scenery.
-I love roadtrips.
???Especially with a Van-full of friends.
-I WILL own a Cuttlefish one day.