15 years, 11 months & 3 days ago

10th Apr 2009 17:45
Please note that this blog was inspired by Livy. I didnt mean to copy you. So sowee! xD!
Cassie my name
Yah, its pretty sweet
its better than yours
'Cept Livys.
Thats a kick ass name xD
Dont think so?
Well too bad, cuz it is.
Im kinda tall
My shoe size is a 7.5
Big feet stink
Im Asian
And Itallian
..And Viet
...And Thai
....And Mexican
.....And Chinese
I speak English. (no dur)
I play sports
Softball pwns
so does soccer
Im interested in volleyball
I would officially play it
but I keep implanting the ball in my face.
Im a runner
Sprinter to be exact
I do distance too
Just not very good at it.
I trip
on my feet...
A lot...
Im a clutz
I sometimes break stuff in shops
But thats how i roll.
Dont like that?
Well then, go fall in a ditch.
I got friends.
Damn good friends
Theyre nice.
And cool
We have inside jokes
I bet you dont.
"Thats Chives, Chivvers, and I'm Joe"
Yeah thats right,
that was one right there.
Wanna know what it means?
Too bad. You cant.
My friends
you mess with me
Theyll kick your toosh
Tegan and Anali will go kung-foo ninja on you.
And it hurts.
I travel
Mum feels like she needs to get out of the office.
Ive been to so many places.
I like the beach
I have black hair naturally
I dyed it lighter though
Now its extremely dark brown
You can only see it in the sun
I know, spiffeh
Im odd
I paint my toes all different colors
Only cool people do that
yes, im a constipated, over weighted, out of style loser.
Just kidding
If you think thats what cool means
than your a looser.
Sometimes i dont though
It all depends on my moods.
I have a secret
that I just have to let out
that secret is..:
Im kinda immature
Im such a goof ball
I laugh at words like Uranus
I giggle when people fall
Especially Alex
When she falls, its hilarious.
I bet you cant fall like Alex.
Thats right.
No one can
Cuz shes awesome like that.
Im a clutz.
I sprain my ankle on a constant basis.
Im dangerous like that
I enjoy food
I dont starve myself
I like fruit roll ups
And Ice cream
My favorite veggies are corn and broccoli.
Dont like them?
In that case
Ill have my ninjas come after you.
Thats right.
I have personal ninjas
And pirates
Corn and broccoli, FTW!
I have pet peeves.
One of them is when people chat like this:
"Lyke, OMG! Did u c tho$ sho3$ @ tH@t 1 $hp by th@t pl@ce!?! I ttly luuuuuuuuuuuuuv th3m!!!!"
See where im coming from?
Seriously, get a dictionary.
if your one of these people,
learn to spell things correctly.
My other pet peeve:
"Ah shoot, I feel so alone on mara. So Im going to go on forms and tell everyone I have no friends and i need more when clearly i have like, 800."
Gimme a break...
I like animals.
I have 2 dogs
A Poodle and a Rottweiler
And 2 cats
A Silver Tabby and a mutt.
I like colors
My favorite colors are
Light Green
Neon Blue
Neon Orange
And Purple.
I like those colors.
A lot.
I still believe
In happy endings
I cry
Im not afraid to let it all out
I laugh too.
Love to laugh
Im moody
In a good way
Laughing is the key in my life.
I laugh at things that arent funny
But that makes me cool
You hate me now?
Good. ^^
Im married to music
Love it
Always will
I play instruments
Guitar and Flute
I also sing
But not that much anymore
I like lots of bands.
Wanna know them?
Maramail me if you want to.
I am a full addict to mara
I dont know why.
Its just fun.
Life is good
Good for your soul.
So is beef jerky
Yes, i do love him.
Your eyes are probably bleeding right now.
Your welcome. ^^