Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part II
17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago

4th Oct 2007 18:28
Aiia pushed her way through the panicked crowd, making her way towards the edge of the city. I'll be there in a half-hour, if I'm correct, she thought. She looked nervously at the soldiers marching around her. Just keep moving. Just keep moving.
Sentan roared in rage. "You let her get away! How could you-" The soldier was cringing at his feet.
It was odd sitting on the throne, but it gave him power. The velvet was pure luxury. The wood was fine...But back to the present.
He looked down at the soldier, then assumed a silky tone. "Well, I suppose it isn't that bad, is it?" The soldier nodded."Well, for me it isn't. For you..."Sentan nodded to the guards in the doorway. They appeared and dragged the soldier away, yelling.
"And that is what happens when you disobey."He said to the remaining soldiers. "Now, I have a mission for you. Don't mess it up!" He began to describe what they would do.
Lulu woke up in a fog. Where was she? Why was she here? And who was she? She stood up and began walking around. She was in a tiny room, with bars at one end, and cold, grey wall at the other. A bed was to her left, and a toilet to her right. Was this her home? Something rang out in the back of her head, a faint memory...Too faint. Then she looked down. Her body was grey, her mane white,and she was wearing a shirt that matched the bars in front of her. She hadn't always looked like that, had she? Hadn't she She sighed and went to her bed. Something was wrong here...But what was it?
The Dark Side of Tantis. Nobody liked to mention it. The shady characters all flocked to it. Anybody who went in...Never came out. The soldiers were shaking, but they hid it. They were walking down a back route towards the houses of some of the darkest. Marching, stepping, closer towards that place...All too soon, it was looming in front of them. The Captain, a Fire Tantua, knocked on the door of the Tavern known as the Rabid Fasoro.
"We bring a message to two of you inhabitants, from their king." He said to the Lady who opened the door, and whispered their names in her ear. She stepped inside, and called within.
Two then forms stepped out.
"Kings do not concern me. Leave this place at once. Now!"
"Your King requests you come to his castle at once. You will be held as esteemed guests."
"I care not about King Elsimar XI's whims. Leave, I warn you, or you will face dire consequences!"
"King Elsimar XI no longer reigns. King Sentan has inherited the throne, long may he live!"
"Hmm...Interesting news. I have decided. I shall come."
The Fire Tantua made way for a Gothic Tantua and a Snow Tantua to step out.
"Your king thanks you, Striker. You as well, Rex. Please follow us."
The soldiers formed up and encircled Striker and Rex.
"This is only for your protection. Come along."
The soldiers began to lead off, Striker and Rex in the middle.
Sentan sat up as his guards entered the room in perfect formation. They parted in the middle, leaving a little pathway.
"Ahh...welcome, friends. Take your leisure. Guards, bring two chairs for these gentlemen!"
Two guards ran out the door, eager to obey.
"Rex, Striker...It is an honor to have you here. Has you life been going well since we last met?"
"Is it any of your business?"
Striker frowned. He sat down on the chair produced for him, as did Rex.
Sentan nodded to the guards to dismiss them, then smiled. "Still as sarcastic as ever. Ahh...I remember when you first came here to meet father. He had asked you to spy on Balimar. I heard some amazing things about you from him."
"I wish to hire you. A certain...other tantua has escaped. She knows too much. I need you to take care of her. She should be heading for the border-She CANNOT cross over. Will you take the job?"
"How much does it pay?"
"10,000 Tantins. For each of you."
"Make it 20,000 and we'll take it."
"Done. Now hurry-She must not escape!"
Aiia loped towards the border. The noise had died down, and boy was she glad. Just a bit more, and she'd cross over into the rolling hills beyond the palace. She stared out. Could she really leave her home? Maybe-She was knocked over from behind. Suddenly, her world was a blinding fury of flashing claws and teeth. She caught glimpses of blue mane and red-black as well. Were there two? All she knew was that she couldn't keep this up for long.
She was looking into her pot, as normal. It was swirling, swirling...What was that? Instead of swirling in its regular pattern, it began to have little spikes-Like claws and teeth. Part of it formed into the shape of a Tantua-a royal one? The shape was walking towards where she lived. Behind the shape, a line spread out. Other shapes just like that tantua walked near her, their own paths overlapping the royal tantua's. Some ended abruptly...Others continued. She saw herself, overlapping that tantua's path... Something was wrong. A dark shape moved towards the royal tantua, and she was gone, as were all the others who overlapped her path. The one looking into the pot looked up. Something was wrong in the balance...And she had some part to play.
Lulu had awakened again, and stared at the ground below her. A plate of food was sitting there. Had she fallen asleep? She stepped down from her bed and picked it up. It didn't look too terrible...She began to eat.
"So, the jailbird is awake."
Lulu looked up. Standing at the door to her cell was a yellow quell, in a guard's uniform. She dropped her plate in shock.
"Who...are you?" She asked, getting over her shock.
"I'm the guard here, at the Maradan Prison. Don't you know?"
"What? I'm where?"
"You're in prison. One of our wide-range officers brought you in. Said you'd been using an illegal concoction. Don't you know how dangerous that is? That's why it's ILLEGAL."
"But I didn't-"
"Of course not. That's what they all say. Why am I even talking to you? I have more important things to do." The quell turned up his nose and walked away.
Lulu stared after him. She hadn't...Faintly, oh so faintly, she remembered something being shoved into her mouth, then falling into a deep, dark sleep. How strange...But it couldn't be true, could it? It was just too faint...She picked up her food again, shoving thought to the back of her mind.
Aiia was tiring. In a few minutes, she would succumb to this...Her strength was leaving her. Goodbye...Another had joined them. A white blur was fighting furiously, his mane of fire glowing bright. She was a gonner. But wait...He wasn't fighting her. He was pulling off her attackers...They were running. He was bending down.
"You okay?" She was in darkness.
She came back around. She was sitting in an alleyway, looking at a bright spot of flame.
"Oh, you're awake. Good. I was hoping that I wasn't too late. You're Hilow, correct? And why are you fleeing?"
"No, I'm Aiia. Hilow and I changed costumes...I hope he's alright... Anyways, I'm fleeing because my brother has taken over the throne and, well, I know too much. Why did you save me?"
"Those two attacking you were my enemies.I take any opportunity I can to beat them. Anyhow, we better be going."
"We? No, I'm going by myself. In fact, I should be off. Thanks for saving me. Goodbye." She began to walk off towards the border,but nearly collapsed. She had to leave though...Ignore the pain, ignore-
"Hold it! I'm coming with you. I need to get out of this town."
"Then find your own way out." She kept walking.
"But I can't.The guards watch the streets, and refuse to let me out. But with a member of the royal family, I can get through."
"Okay, okay, fine. Just hurry."
Aiia bounded away. Luckily, the guards here hadn't heard the news yet, and let her through. The fire tantua bounded along behind her.
"Okay, you're out. Now leave."
Aiia turned around.
"But I'm going your way. I sort of...have to travel with you. Believe me, I hate it as much as you do. The royal family is so stuck-up. Anyhow,you're going to Marada, correct?"
"Yes." She frowned at his insult.
"So am I. And if I stay around here...I might be found. So as much as I don't-"
Aiia frowned. "Okay, fine. Just don't get in my way."
She began to walk away, then turned back.
"By the way, your name is...?"
"Collector. And you're Aiia, you said?"
She turned around and began to walk away, Collector following but frowning.
"Figures, my only way out...with royalty." He grumbled, but kept pace with Aiia.
Sentan glared down at the figures sitting before him.
"You let her get away."
"Yep. What can you do?"
"Oh, I'll tell you what I can do. Guards, throw them with that other piece of filth!" Striker and Rex were hauled away from the throne.
"Hmm...Now what to do...Ah, yes. She should be heading for Marada...So I'll cut her off at the pass."
She watched the shape draw closer. They claws around it were distant, but the dark shadow still loomed. Then another one joined the tantua-shape. This one glowed brightly, especially around the neck. Good, she was in safe company. But oh so soon, they would arrive at her house...Would she be able to protect them?