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  1. Mini Tantuas + Ideus
    6th Oct 2007 18:12
    17 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  2. Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part II
    4th Oct 2007 18:28
    17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
  3. Pet Nicknames & Personalities
    26th Sep 2007 19:17
    17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  4. Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part I
    19th Sep 2007 20:08
    17 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  5. Pet Trades!
    4th Sep 2007 17:04
    17 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  6. Pet Under Portal Treatment
    3rd Sep 2007 18:49
    17 years, 6 months & 17 days ago
Mini Tantuas + Ideus
17 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
6th Oct 2007 18:12

You can find these on my marasite. (Scroll down for the button. It's at the bottom.)Read the rules, then
MM me the form there.
These are the people who have ordered from me:

Kyliebutterfly07 can use my Banner
fightercatgirl-Libran Custom, Leila Custom,Chicha Custom,Lapis Lazuli Custom, Diamond Custom,Jade Custom, Sapphire Custom, Vampire custom Tantuas, Pixie, Mermaid, Furry, Angel, Witch Ideus.underwater, black, ice, starry, shaved, toddler, skinny, fat,skater, skeleto, pixie, pirate, robot, rotten, school, seasonal, stoneage, fairy, and nefarious Tantuas.

Kkunicorn-Ghost, White, Purple, Eleka, Brown Tantua
Narutofan47-Gaara Custom Tantua
!!! Has been deleted. If you want your 1k back, contact me.!!!
HeyItsMileyCyrus-Pixie Tantua
"Max"-Emo Tantua
XdreamdrifterX-Black and Eleka Tantuas.
Nikkihar520-Happy Halloween Custom
Any others do not have my permission to use my mini tantuas!

Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part II
17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
4th Oct 2007 18:28

Aiia pushed her way through the panicked crowd, making her way towards the edge of the city. I'll be there in a half-hour, if I'm correct, she thought. She looked nervously at the soldiers marching around her. Just keep moving. Just keep moving.

Sentan roared in rage. "You let her get away! How could you-" The soldier was cringing at his feet.
It was odd sitting on the throne, but it gave him power. The velvet was pure luxury. The wood was fine...But back to the present.

He looked down at the soldier, then assumed a silky tone. "Well, I suppose it isn't that bad, is it?" The soldier nodded."Well, for me it isn't. For you..."Sentan nodded to the guards in the doorway. They appeared and dragged the soldier away, yelling.
"And that is what happens when you disobey."He said to the remaining soldiers. "Now, I have a mission for you. Don't mess it up!" He began to describe what they would do.

Lulu woke up in a fog. Where was she? Why was she here? And who was she? She stood up and began walking around. She was in a tiny room, with bars at one end, and cold, grey wall at the other. A bed was to her left, and a toilet to her right. Was this her home? Something rang out in the back of her head, a faint memory...Too faint. Then she looked down. Her body was grey, her mane white,and she was wearing a shirt that matched the bars in front of her. She hadn't always looked like that, had she? Hadn't she She sighed and went to her bed. Something was wrong here...But what was it?

The Dark Side of Tantis. Nobody liked to mention it. The shady characters all flocked to it. Anybody who went in...Never came out. The soldiers were shaking, but they hid it. They were walking down a back route towards the houses of some of the darkest. Marching, stepping, closer towards that place...All too soon, it was looming in front of them. The Captain, a Fire Tantua, knocked on the door of the Tavern known as the Rabid Fasoro.
"We bring a message to two of you inhabitants, from their king." He said to the Lady who opened the door, and whispered their names in her ear. She stepped inside, and called within.
Two then forms stepped out.
"Kings do not concern me. Leave this place at once. Now!"
"Your King requests you come to his castle at once. You will be held as esteemed guests."
"I care not about King Elsimar XI's whims. Leave, I warn you, or you will face dire consequences!"
"King Elsimar XI no longer reigns. King Sentan has inherited the throne, long may he live!"
"Hmm...Interesting news. I have decided. I shall come."
The Fire Tantua made way for a Gothic Tantua and a Snow Tantua to step out.
"Your king thanks you, Striker. You as well, Rex. Please follow us."
The soldiers formed up and encircled Striker and Rex.
"This is only for your protection. Come along."
The soldiers began to lead off, Striker and Rex in the middle.

Sentan sat up as his guards entered the room in perfect formation. They parted in the middle, leaving a little pathway.
"Ahh...welcome, friends. Take your leisure. Guards, bring two chairs for these gentlemen!"
Two guards ran out the door, eager to obey.
"Rex, Striker...It is an honor to have you here. Has you life been going well since we last met?"
"Is it any of your business?"
Striker frowned. He sat down on the chair produced for him, as did Rex.
Sentan nodded to the guards to dismiss them, then smiled. "Still as sarcastic as ever. Ahh...I remember when you first came here to meet father. He had asked you to spy on Balimar. I heard some amazing things about you from him."
"I wish to hire you. A certain...other tantua has escaped. She knows too much. I need you to take care of her. She should be heading for the border-She CANNOT cross over. Will you take the job?"
"How much does it pay?"
"10,000 Tantins. For each of you."
"Make it 20,000 and we'll take it."
"Done. Now hurry-She must not escape!"
Aiia loped towards the border. The noise had died down, and boy was she glad. Just a bit more, and she'd cross over into the rolling hills beyond the palace. She stared out. Could she really leave her home? Maybe-She was knocked over from behind. Suddenly, her world was a blinding fury of flashing claws and teeth. She caught glimpses of blue mane and red-black as well. Were there two? All she knew was that she couldn't keep this up for long.

She was looking into her pot, as normal. It was swirling, swirling...What was that? Instead of swirling in its regular pattern, it began to have little spikes-Like claws and teeth. Part of it formed into the shape of a Tantua-a royal one? The shape was walking towards where she lived. Behind the shape, a line spread out. Other shapes just like that tantua walked near her, their own paths overlapping the royal tantua's. Some ended abruptly...Others continued. She saw herself, overlapping that tantua's path... Something was wrong. A dark shape moved towards the royal tantua, and she was gone, as were all the others who overlapped her path. The one looking into the pot looked up. Something was wrong in the balance...And she had some part to play.

Lulu had awakened again, and stared at the ground below her. A plate of food was sitting there. Had she fallen asleep? She stepped down from her bed and picked it up. It didn't look too terrible...She began to eat.
"So, the jailbird is awake."
Lulu looked up. Standing at the door to her cell was a yellow quell, in a guard's uniform. She dropped her plate in shock.
"Who...are you?" She asked, getting over her shock.
"I'm the guard here, at the Maradan Prison. Don't you know?"
"What? I'm where?"
"You're in prison. One of our wide-range officers brought you in. Said you'd been using an illegal concoction. Don't you know how dangerous that is? That's why it's ILLEGAL."
"But I didn't-"
"Of course not. That's what they all say. Why am I even talking to you? I have more important things to do." The quell turned up his nose and walked away.
Lulu stared after him. She hadn't...Faintly, oh so faintly, she remembered something being shoved into her mouth, then falling into a deep, dark sleep. How strange...But it couldn't be true, could it? It was just too faint...She picked up her food again, shoving thought to the back of her mind.

Aiia was tiring. In a few minutes, she would succumb to this...Her strength was leaving her. Goodbye...Another had joined them. A white blur was fighting furiously, his mane of fire glowing bright. She was a gonner. But wait...He wasn't fighting her. He was pulling off her attackers...They were running. He was bending down.
"You okay?" She was in darkness.

She came back around. She was sitting in an alleyway, looking at a bright spot of flame.
"Oh, you're awake. Good. I was hoping that I wasn't too late. You're Hilow, correct? And why are you fleeing?"
"No, I'm Aiia. Hilow and I changed costumes...I hope he's alright... Anyways, I'm fleeing because my brother has taken over the throne and, well, I know too much. Why did you save me?"
"Those two attacking you were my enemies.I take any opportunity I can to beat them. Anyhow, we better be going."
"We? No, I'm going by myself. In fact, I should be off. Thanks for saving me. Goodbye." She began to walk off towards the border,but nearly collapsed. She had to leave though...Ignore the pain, ignore-
"Hold it! I'm coming with you. I need to get out of this town."
"Then find your own way out." She kept walking.
"But I can't.The guards watch the streets, and refuse to let me out. But with a member of the royal family, I can get through."
"Okay, okay, fine. Just hurry."
Aiia bounded away. Luckily, the guards here hadn't heard the news yet, and let her through. The fire tantua bounded along behind her.
"Okay, you're out. Now leave."
Aiia turned around.
"But I'm going your way. I sort of...have to travel with you. Believe me, I hate it as much as you do. The royal family is so stuck-up. Anyhow,you're going to Marada, correct?"
"Yes." She frowned at his insult.
"So am I. And if I stay around here...I might be found. So as much as I don't-"
Aiia frowned. "Okay, fine. Just don't get in my way."
She began to walk away, then turned back.
"By the way, your name is...?"
"Collector. And you're Aiia, you said?"
She turned around and began to walk away, Collector following but frowning.
"Figures, my only way out...with royalty." He grumbled, but kept pace with Aiia.

Sentan glared down at the figures sitting before him.
"You let her get away."
"Yep. What can you do?"
"Oh, I'll tell you what I can do. Guards, throw them with that other piece of filth!" Striker and Rex were hauled away from the throne.
"Hmm...Now what to do...Ah, yes. She should be heading for Marada...So I'll cut her off at the pass."

She watched the shape draw closer. They claws around it were distant, but the dark shadow still loomed. Then another one joined the tantua-shape. This one glowed brightly, especially around the neck. Good, she was in safe company. But oh so soon, they would arrive at her house...Would she be able to protect them?

Pet Nicknames & Personalities
17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
26th Sep 2007 19:17

Aiia- Aiia; Fierce, proud, persistent.

Baharai-Baha; Scornful, lonely.

Collector_of__me-Collector; Helpful, but forceful.

Hilow123-Hilow; Sensitive to others, wise.

Irresponsible-Ir; Care-free, silly, sometimes shows bits of emotion.

Mikhira-Fragile and lonely, she lives in the forest, coming out at night to dance among the darkened leaves.

Obituaries-Obituary;Dark and brooding, but intelligent.

Striker1316-Striker; Fierce and evil, brutish.

Lululilu-Lulu; Fearful, obedient, thoughtful.

Marie66b-66; Evil, no feelings.

Rex28147-Rex; Mechanical, hides feelings.

Sentantuaaaa-Sentan; Evil and a mastermind. The epitome of evil.

Sparkangel-Sparkangel; Magical, kind, but stubborn.

Tombala-Tombala; Eccentric, but a wonderful healer.

Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part I
17 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
19th Sep 2007 20:08

Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble...

~MacBeth, by William Shakespeare.

It was a peaceful day in Tantis, the land that all Tantuas hailed from. Everybody was relaxing, laying in the sun, or keeping a close eye on their children. The sky was cloudlesss, and a slight wind was blowing. It was a perfect day...for most Tantuas.

"Father, no! I refuse to sew! I want to be jousting!" A little rainbow Tantua screamed at her father.
"Now dear, be lady-like. Go cook if you don't want to sew."
"Father-I want to study. I WANT to learn. At least let me-"
"Aiia, this is final. Go do something appropriate for you."
The little tantua stormed off in a rage towards her room in the west wing of the castle. Her father(a royal tantua) sighed mournfully. Ladies cooked and sewed. Why did he have to get stuck with this-this-He couldn't say it. He was her daughter. He-His thoughts were interrupted by his son, Hilow. "Father, what's the matter? You look sad." The royal tantua gazed up at him, then lept onto the throne. Hilow had a knack for telling when someone had something on his mind.
"It's your sister again. Why can't she just be normal?" He growled.
"Father...Maybe you should..."
"Let her be who she is. What have you got to-"
That made the king snap. Were they all insane?
"Out!!!!" He roared, and his son lept from the dais, and trotted off.
A dark shadow slid into the room. The king looked up in surprise. It was-
His son. Only his son. Well, his other one anyways. Sentan slid up to his father in that chilling manner he had.
"Father, is it Aiia again?"
"Yes." The king looked slightly shocked.
Sentan sighed. "She needs to learn her place. She can't go around being what she's not."
The King nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes, finally, someone who understands!" He patted his son on the back, and felt his temper ebbing. In fact, he felt an urge to go hunting (which consisted of fake targets and some dull pieces of wood).
"My son, would you care to go hunting with me?"
"I'll go get my gear." He flashed a strange smile at his father.
"I'll meet you out front in 10 minutes. Hurry now!"
Sentan jumped off the dais and trotted towards his room in the east wing. This will get my mind off my daughter, he thought.

Sentan saw his chance now. Just what he'd been waiting for. And he wasn't going to let the opportunity pass by...

Lulu sat in the kitchen with her mother.
"Mama...why do girls have to cook? I mean, I have nothing against it, but..."
"Dear, that's just the way it is. Girls cook, guys go to war. That's the cycle."
"But why?"
"That doesn't concern you. Come help me with this pie." The little red tantua hopped down from her chair to help her mom. She was still full of questions. WHY couldn't girls go to school? WHY did they have to cook and clean? Right now though, she didn't see any way of changing this, so she began mixing the ingredients for her mother.
Aiia, meanwhile, was fuming in her room. This was completely unfair! She wanted to do stuff the boys did, and she would! Hmmph. She looked up as somebody entered her room.
"Oh, Hilow, it's you."
"Yes. What's on your mind? I can tell you're troubled." He jumped up and sat on the edge of her bed.
"It's father! He says that my "Place is in the kitchen". Raggh!" She growled.
"Aiia, you know father is stuck in his ways. He always has been. I tried to convince him...Well, it didn't work. I'm sorry, Aiia. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to, but you're being held back."
"Exactly." Aiia's temper had cooled.
"I wonder...maybe there are other lands than this. And maybe they-"
Aiia gasped. "Yes, yes! I hadn't thought of that! We have to try this! And I think I have a plan..."

Sentan was the second oldest, which also meant the throne would go to his brother, if any unfortunate accidents happened. And they would. Slowly, quietly, one paw in front of the other, he crept up and pounced.The throne was reclaimed. Now to find Hilow...And the throne would be his.

Aiia unfolded her plan. "Hilow, all we have to do is change costumes! Everybody will think you're me, and I'm you. I'll escape during the night, so nobody will take the time to notice. It's perfect!"
"Well, Aiia...I don't know. What if somebody DOES take the time to notice?"
"They won't. I'll leave tonight."
Hilow nodded. He knew he would be in GIGANTIC trouble for this, but his sister needed him. He wouldn't let her down. He jumped off her bed and walked out of the room.

Lulu had finally been let off kitchen duty. About time! She strayed to the window, then yelled out, "Father's Back!" She ran down the steps and out into the courtyard to meet her father.

She DID love him. He was just stubborn, that was all. She ran to the side of the wagon...And jumped back. It was only her brother, but he looked so sad...She gasped as she comprehended what had happened.

Sentan nodded. "It is true. A rampaging bolimo got to him before I did." The dark tantua hopped down to the ground and faced his sister. Tears were running down her face, making the fur flatten out into little rivers. Lulu nodded to him in turn, then ran back sobbing.

Aiia watched stolidly from her window, knowing what had happened. She didn't have time for feelings now...She sensed some foul play in the castle, and he was standing right outside. She turned and opened her door, running down the corridor. To Hilow, to Hilow...for he would be next.

Hilow sat in his room, staring at the blank wall. He was king now. How could he run Tantis? He felt too young...And-His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and rapid pawsteps entering.
"Aiia. You know our plan? It has to happen NOW. There's foul play abroad...Hilow, you have to get out of here. We have to change costumes."
Hilow looked at her, and nodded. Within minutes, Hilow had become rainbow, and Aiia royal.
"Thank you Hilow. Nobody will notice you as you leave the country. I, on the other hand, will be noticed, and distract attention from you. Somehow, I have to get out too-" She stopped and looked at the doorway. Sentan.
"Oh, brother. Hello."
"Dear sister, you've changed costumes with Hilow."
"I needed a change. I hate being rainbow."
"Hmm." He walked a bit closer, sealing off the exit.
"I don't believe you. In fact, I think you both have seen a bit too much."He lept for Aiia, but a rainbow blur knocked him off course.
"Run, sister!"Hilow shouted.
She panicked and fled. "Ring the Alarm bells!Shake off your laziness, and see a traitor in your midst!" She screamed.
Her mother and Lulu came from the kitchen. "Aiia, what's this shouting about?" Her mother asked.
"Sentan...You have to get out!"
Her mother just stared at her.
"Enough of your jokes. Back to the kitchen, and find something better to do with your time, Aiia." Lulu looked sad, but followed her mother.
She had to get out. She had to. She ran through the castle, her heart racing. Finally, an exit! She ran complete pandemonium.
It was a wave of sound and terror...and tantuas. The perfect escape. Aiia bounded into the crowd and ran, as far and as fast as she could.

Lulu looked out and saw what Aiia was seeing. Then she turned around. "Mom..."
"No, dear.I'm trying to make this pie."
"Mom!"Lulu shrieked. She was pulled away by a soldier. A concoction was forced into her mouth, and she swallowed. What was happening? Who was Aiia? Who was she?

And so began the reign of King Sentan.

Pet Trades!
17 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
4th Sep 2007 17:04

Credibility was given away.

Ceia was traded for Marie66b!

Amuse was adopted, changed by a plushie, and given.

Max_o_rooze was traded for Ohsis!

Kaziin and Laeos were traded for Tombala! ( Thanks! )

Stahrr was traded for Sparkangel! ( Thank you!! )

Toshcani and Wizkid_98 were traded for Striker1316 and Rex28147! ( Thanks! )

Princess193682 was abandoned.

Instance was traded for Collector_of__me.

Arthgur was adopted, changed by a plushie, then abandoned.

Sentantuaaaa was given to me by a nice person (You too, know who you are. ^^)

Cococoleenrock was changed into a gold fasoro, and abandoned.

Maplevine was traded for Stahrr!

Instance was given to me (Thanks, you know who you are.)

Kikiko22 was traded for SweetCakeLucas, who was abandoned.

Munnek was put in the pound and

Cool10999 Changed color to
Emo...And the trade was completed for arent_I_a_cutie.

My Black Leido(Masakago)was traded for MAx_o_rooze!

My Pink Leido(KiKiko22) will be going to my friend!

Panda_reese1 changed into an orange paffuto...and was put in the pound and adopted!

Wizkid_98 changed into a white osafo...and is staying with me!

Arent_i_a_cutie changed costume to chocolate...and the trade was completed for Hilow123!

  1. Mini Tantuas + Ideus
    6th Oct 2007 18:12
    17 years, 5 months & 15 days ago
  2. Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part II
    4th Oct 2007 18:28
    17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
  3. Pet Nicknames & Personalities
    26th Sep 2007 19:17
    17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  4. Betrayal...Or following your true nature? Part I
    19th Sep 2007 20:08
    17 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
  5. Pet Trades!
    4th Sep 2007 17:04
    17 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  6. Pet Under Portal Treatment
    3rd Sep 2007 18:49
    17 years, 6 months & 17 days ago