My Guest Sign-In
16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago

11th Jan 2009 10:29
Thanks for visiting my profile. Since I like to see who popped in, please sign your name and maybe a little message.
~Nikki and Boo-Boo (o.o)
Stephanie Starecheski. R.I.P
16 years, 11 months & 19 days ago

27th Mar 2008 08:16
She died for a reason I will never know. And what she died from is being hidden from me. You were my best friend, even though I'd only met you twice in my life.
You were, and still are, MY half-sister.
Don't ever leave my thoughts, don't ever leave my memories. Smile at me down from heaven, your face aglow with peace. I've only met you twice, but still those times were filled with glee, no matter where you're looking from, you're always with me Stephanie.
I didn't get to say goodbye. They burned the body, hid the ashes. Your beautiful face, your flawless complexion, was charred and ripped to shreds. Steph, I knew you loved me. Why couldn't you hold on. Just two minuted was all I required, to say goodbye to the only sister I would know.
I'm collecting pink roses in honor of Stephanie Starecheski.
Dear Grandpa
17 years, 1 month & 26 days ago

20th Jan 2008 12:38
Dear Grandpa,
What's it like in Heaven? Is there everything everyone says will be there? Have you ever thought back to us,your family,and boy we thought of you. Remember that time when it was my,I think,my first birthday? I can still hear you saying, "Oh, she's so beatuiful." And remember when I turned five? And we went up to Pennsylvania to see you? When you took me to the park. And since you were in the wheelchair, you watched me? And then we rode around the neighborhood together? The next time we came I was six. Daddy took me to the waterfalls. You were somewhere that day and I didn't see you. Oh then when it was the fall and we saw you again on Thanksgiving. I ate so much you almost started laughing your head off! Well, I didn't see you agian. Kuya didn't want to go to your house. I did, but we never found the time. The next time me and him saw you, you were in a coffin. I was handing out tissues. But I didn't cry. I was so mad! I finally started crying when I got home. I tightly shut the door and began to cry. I never knew how much I loved you until it was too late. The kidney failure took it's toll, your life, I wish I could have said goodbye. I love you and I promise I will see you again someday.
~Your Grandgal,