R.I.P Ashley John

16 years & 1 day ago
16th Mar 2009 16:55This girl was one of my best friends. She made you laugh when you were down, she had great advice, and the biggest heart. I can still remember the warmth of her arm slinging across my shoulders and reassuring me when my sister died. Who knew she'd be next? Ashley didn't deserve this, why did she have to be the one in a million to have a heart attack so young? Her mother called, and all I could do was drop the phone and cry. Your long, silky black hair, soft-set brown eyes, and the smile that always brightened my day. You'll always have a piece of my heart, and you'll never die in my life. Ashley, God will love having you in heaven, you'll be the most perfect angel there.
I'm collexting red roses in honor of Ashley. Please, please donate.