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Marapets is mobile friendly
HI-Low i'm an anime fan i love lots of different types of anime and manga.
  1. Cheese and Tomato Sandwich
    28th Jun 2023 08:05
    1 year, 8 months & 17 days ago
  2. Pets needed for Goals
    30th Nov 2021 11:21
    3 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
  3. Pearls I Still Need
    14th May 2011 14:32
    13 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
  4. Dream Pet
    30th Mar 2009 17:31
    15 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
Cheese and Tomato Sandwich
1 year, 8 months & 17 days ago
28th Jun 2023 08:05

Slice of cheese pizza + Tropical ice cream sandwich + 45 seconds

Pets needed for Goals
3 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
30th Nov 2021 11:21

Baspinar Goals

You need to own any Royal colored pet

Own any Armored colored pet

You need to own a Limited Edition Oglue pet

You need to use a Kidlet Potion (from King Baspinar Loyalty Prize) on a pet.

You need to own any Princess colored pet.

Use a Rotten Costume on a pet.

You need to use an Enchanted Oglue Plushie or Oglue Potion on a pet.

Biala Goals

You need to own any Snow colored pet.

You need to own limited edition Viotto pet.

You need to own an Ice Fairy pet.

You need to own an Ice pet.

You need to own any Elf colored pet.

You need to own any Snowman colored pet.

You need to own any Advent colored pet.

Candyland Goals

You need to own any Chocolate colored pet.

You need to own any Cotton Candy colored pet.

You need to own any Easter colored pet.

Use a Chocolate Costume on your pet.

You need to own any Fat colored pet.

City Goals

You need to own any Mafia colored pet.

Use a Recycled Costume on your pet.

Use a Neon Costume on your pet.

City Sewers Goals

You need to own any Sewers colored pet.

You need to own any Swamp colored pet.

You need to own any Bug colored pet.

Dukka Caves Goals

You need to use a rarity 15 or more Potion on your pet

You need to own any Pirate colored pet

You need to use a Limited-Edition Pet Potion on your pet.

You need to own any Killer colored pet.

You need to own any Nightmare colored pet.

You need to own any Wizard colored pet.

Use a Mafia Costume on a pet.

You need to use a Limited-Edition pet potion on your pet.

You need to receive a Limited-Edition pet from any Gold Account Upgrade from the Account Upgrades page.

Eleka Goals

You need to own any Voodoo colored pet

You need to own any Dark colored pet

You need to own any Eleka colored pet

You need to own any Gothic colored pet

Use a voodoo costume on a pet.

Enpiah Goals

You need to own any Space Fairy colored pet.

You need to own any Space colored pet.

You need to own any Enpiah colored pet.

Your pet needs to change into a mutant at the Laboratory.

Foxfire Forest Goals

You need to own any Starry colored pet.

You need to own a Limited-Edition Astro pet.

You need to own any Pampered colored pet.

You need to own any Pixie colored pet.

Gigantic Paradise Goals

You need to own any leprechaun-colored pet.

You need to own any rainbow-colored pet.

Jenoa Goals

You need to create a new pet Paffuto or Equilor.

You need to own any Underwater colored pet.

You need to own any Water colored pet.

You need to own limited edition Kronk pet

Use a Sponge Costume on a pet.

Use a Millionaire Costume on a pet.

You need to use an Enchanted Kronk Plushie or Kronk Potion on a pet.

Use a Sponge Costume on your pet.

Lush Lake Goals

You need to own any Skater colored pet.

Minipet Island Goals

You need to own any toddler-colored pet.

You need to own any baby colored pet.

Nimbus Goals

You need to own any Daylight pet.

You need to own any Breeze colored pet.

You need to own any Moonlight pet.

You need to own any Fairy colored pet.

You need to own any Angel colored pet.

You need to own any Fire Fairy colored pet.

You need to own any Earth Fairy colored pet.

Puchalla Village Goals

You need to own any Defective colored pet.

You need to own any Cheese colored pet

You need to own any Fancy colored pet

Simeria Goals

You need to own any Simerian colored pet.

You need to own any Light Fairy colored pet.

You need to own any Detective colored pet.

You need to own any Mummy colored pet.

You need to own any Stone colored pet.

You need to own any Safari colored pet.

You need to own a Limited-Edition Ike pet.

You need to use an Ike Potion on your pet.

Use a Mummy Costume on one a pet.

Slater Park Goals

You need to own any Clown colored pet.

You need to own any Cotton Candy colored pet.

You need to own any Plushie colored pet.

You need to own any Balloon colored pet.

Undying Woods Goals

You need to own any Zombie colored pet

You need to own a Limited-Edition Daisy pet

You need to own any Nefarious colored pet.

You need to own any Halloween colored pet.

You need to own any Ghost colored pet.

Vortex Park Goals

Use a Fake Costume on a pet.

Ziranek Goals

You need to own any digital colored pet.

Use a Digital Costume on a pet.

Pearls I Still Need
13 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
14th May 2011 14:32

3 - Android Pearl *
4 - Bankrupt Pearl >
5 - Bionic Pearl ^
6 - Battle Fairy Pearl *
7 - Burnt Pearl $
8 - Chilled Pearl ^
9 - Chocolate Pearl >
10 - Clone Pearl *
11 - Darkside Pearl >
12 - Easter Eg ShapD Pearl >
13 - Eleka Horns Pearl *
16 - Frankenstein Pearl *
17 - Game Fairy Pearl *
18 - Gamer Pearl *
20 - Historian Pearl *
22 - Jelly Pearl *
25 - Lilac Pearl *
26 - Merman Pearl *
29 - Moon Pearl *
31 - Naga Pearl *
32 - Neptune pearl *
33 - Patchwork Pearl *
36 - Popstar Pearl *
42 - Royal Fairy Pearl *
43 - Saturn Pearl *
45 - Smuggler Pearl $
46 - Ur nus Pearl *

Dream Pet
15 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
30th Mar 2009 17:31

My Dream pet is a Snowman Dakota

Someday, Someday...........OMG!

It's Today March 31, 2009 12:25PM

  1. Cheese and Tomato Sandwich
    28th Jun 2023 08:05
    1 year, 8 months & 17 days ago
  2. Pets needed for Goals
    30th Nov 2021 11:21
    3 years, 3 months & 14 days ago
  3. Pearls I Still Need
    14th May 2011 14:32
    13 years, 10 months & 1 day ago
  4. Dream Pet
    30th Mar 2009 17:31
    15 years, 11 months & 14 days ago