16 years, 10 months & 28 days ago

20th Apr 2008 06:16
I havn't been on here in a long time... I guess I sort of lied, if anyone remembers, I guess I thought I could make profiles for people on here, and well, I could, but you couldn't change the text or anything... Anyway, I probably will not come on here much still, due to an addiction to another website... It's not that I don't love Marapets! I really do! Just I've been with this website for a few years now, and I would feel really bad if I just ditched all my friends... But don't worry! I'll still come on here once in a while... I'm trying not to stay glued to the computer so much now... Also, I don't roleplay on here any more, because I'm not active enough, and I had a little incident... or a few... on here while roleplaying, and managed to make a few enemies... Oh well... So don't be afraid! If you want to chat or ask me something, feel free! I don't bite, I only nibble a little bit, and just know that I don't usally come here much, so if I don't answer right away that doesn't mean that I don't like you, I just havn't been on in a while! So that's it! Buh bye!