17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago

1st Oct 2007 11:25
Here are a some of poems I made:
At night the wolf howls,
beneath the stars
bellowing out
to wolfs from afar.
Her howl is enchanted,
casts a spell on all,
Brings peace to the earth,
to one and to all.
So cute and curious
Cats really rule
cats really rock
cats really rox your stinking sox!
I am an untamed,unbridled spirit.
noone can do anything to cure it.
i will be free,
forever more
each & evry sunset,
each & evry morn.
If my mom were a flower,
she'd be a special kind'
because she would be in the middle of my heart.
I'd remember how much I love her.
And she may not be special to everybody,
but she's very,very special to me.
I feel half her petals swirling around me in the light wind.
I am the ruler
around this place
so do as I say,
or I'll rearrange your face!
I made a big decision
a little while ago,
i dont remember what it was,which prob'ly goes to show
that many times a simple choice can prove to be essential
even though it might appear to be inconsequential.
I must have been distracted when i left my home because
left or right i'm sure i went.(i wonder which it was!

anyway,ive never veered:i walked in that direction
utterly absorbed,it seems,in quiet introspection.
For no reason i can think of,i've wandered far astray.and that is how i got to where i find myself today.
Explorers are we,intrepid and bold
out in the wild,amongst wonders untold.equipped with our wits,a map,and a snack,
were searching for fun and were on the right track!
My mother has eyes on the back of her head!
I dont quite believe her,but thats what she said.
she explained that she'd been so uniquely endowed
to catch me when i did things not allowed.
i think she must also have eyes on her rear.
I've noticed her hindsight is usually clear.
At night my mind does not much care
if what it thinks is here or there.
it tells me stories it invents
and makes up things that dont make sense.
I dont know why it does this stuff.
the real world seems quite wierd enough.
They are seen,yet not heard,like they're never there.And as they tread silently,they'll give you quite a scare.
They are seen,yet not heard,like fog on a dark night.wherever they go,Wherever they are,There's NEVER any light.
Life is a perpetual nightmare.
just when you think that the darkness is gone, and all is well,It ends up whirling it's ugly head around you, and all you can do is close your eyes and try to wake up.
All I can see Is a ring of darkness surrounding me.As the sun goes down,and night falls upon us,all I can see is a charcoal sky.
As I fall into a deep,dark sleep,
the nightmares I dream are pure cruel torcher that I cannot escape,and as the evil swirls around me,all i can do is close my eyes as I try to wake up.