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  1. What's your fortune? (Quiz)
    13th Jul 2009 05:02
    15 years & 8 months ago
  2. My Black Zoink Dream Fund
    23rd Jun 2009 02:40
    15 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
  3. What Kind Of Juice Are You?
    27th Aug 2008 07:44
    16 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  4. Helpful Pet Prices
    20th Aug 2008 08:53
    16 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  5. Reminder
    15th Aug 2008 02:26
    16 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  6. My first 1 Million!
    13th Aug 2008 03:44
    16 years & 7 months ago
  7. Trotter
    19th Jul 2008 09:30
    16 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
What's your fortune? (Quiz)
15 years & 8 months ago
13th Jul 2009 05:02

Warning: =] Once a day please!

Okay. Question one, have you been into anything weird for this July?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. I'm stuck at home.

Number two, have you ever tried changing your routine?
a. I've tried.
b. I don't want to change. I like being this way!
c. I did, didn't do anything new.

Three, what's the ending of your current phone number?
a. 1-4
b. 5-7
c. 8-0 (it goes reverse... 1,2,3... till 0)

Four, what is your attitude/personality?
a. passionate, ambitious and obedient.
b. laid back, relaxed, satisfied.
c. normal as the others...

Last but not least, the looongest question. Just pick which answer is you and add it up.
a. my birthday's in Jan-June
b. July-Oct
c. Nov-Dec

a. my fave color schemes are mostly light.
b. mostly dark.
c. both!

Bonus: Pick any: Pickle, Pickle Jar, Pickle relish =O

Mostly A's = Today is a good day to try harder in making changes, making small or big differences and let your mind fly with inspiration!

Mostly B's = Today's such a good day for laying down and thinking yourself through things. Think deep. Let your instincts tell you what's next.

Mostly C's = You've stayed long inside your territories! Step out and feel the scent of freedom and actual fresh air for a whole day! This small step may lead you to another you!

My Black Zoink Dream Fund
15 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
23rd Jun 2009 02:40

I am looking for donations by any ways, I would love a Black Zoink Potion, for my pet Ellinoir. I've planned this fund a few months ago but actually got to do it "now".
Current Donations and Donators:

What Kind Of Juice Are You?
16 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
27th Aug 2008 07:44

Made by CelesteRosa.

1) If you were a color, what is it?
a. Pink
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
e. None

2) Pick a fruit flavour
a. Strawberry
b. Blueberry
c. Avocado
d. Lemon
e. Tasteless

3) What Color Is Your Top?
a. Red
b. Dark Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
e. Other/None

4) Month you were born:
a. January - March
b. April - May
c. June - September
d. October - November
e. December

Mostly A's:
You are Strawberry! Your are really passionate and ambitious and really is popular in school!

Mostly B's:
You are Blueberry! You have more than a side and one of them is themed Blue! You have a mellow head filled with funky ideas!

Mostly C's:
Mmmmhmmm! You are Avocado! You have a tropical theme and you love holidays! You totally are super fun!

Mostly D's:
Yeooow! Your are so bitter and sour! People often hate you and often says you are bossy!

Mostly E's:
You are Water! You don't really want taste and flavour, but you are still drinkable!

Helpful Pet Prices
16 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
20th Aug 2008 08:53


???Daisy= 500K+
???Poera= 500-600k
???Phanty= 600k
???Oglue= 900k+
???Zoink= 900k -1 mil
???Dakota= 2.5-3 mil+
???Snookle 1.7-2 mil
???Troit= 2-3 mil
???Quell= 3 mil+
???Sindi= 3.2-3.5 mil
???Rusty= 3-4 mil
???Chibs= 3.5-4 mil+
???Lati= 4.4-5 mil
???Mordo= 8 mil+
???Yuni= 8 mil
???Viotto Plain 12 mil, others 14 mil+
???Ercuw= 8-10 mil+
???Rofling=20 mil

Costumes just do a PC in the price check forum for the current price range and
then add that to the cost of creating the pet.
zombie pets: The total value for these pets. Would be figured by adding the cost
of the poison to the cost of creating that particular pet.

What a stated none le needs to be to be worth an LE

???Poera, Phanty, huthiq,Daisy=20+ stats
??? Kronk,Zoink Oglue= 30+ stats
???Snookle, Dakota= 35+ stats
???Quell= 40+ stats
???Rusty=45+ stats
???Latis= 50+ stats
???Chibs= 55+ stats
???Yuni= 65+ stats
???Mordos, Sindis= 75+ stats
???Ercuws=80+ stats
???Rofling= 140+ stats

what is a good stated pet and a baby stated pet is a matter up for debate, here is a bit of a guideline This could change as prices go up and down The Five main Stats include Level, Strength, speed, defence and Health.... Magic and Charisma are good as well but for the purpose of this guide they are not included

???baby stats-all five levels are 1-5
???slightly stated-all five levels are 6-10
???decent stated- all five levels are 11-20
???good stated-all five levels are 21-40
???well stated-all five levels are 41-70
???super stated- all five levels are 71 and above.

or=Stats for NON LE to be worth LE

10+ to be worth poera, Daisy
15+ to be worth Phanty
20+ to be worth huthiq
25+ to be worth zoink, kronk and oglue
30-40 to be worth snookles, quells(price is up and down right now), Dakota
50+ to be worth latis
55+ to be worth chibs (will go up if the price of chibs increase)
60+ to be worth a yuni
65+ to be worth sindis, ercuws and mordos
80-95+ to be worth viottos(depending on which viotto its, example........
plain,or the metallic ones, or ice)
140+ to be worth a roflings

16 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
15th Aug 2008 02:26

Missions completed:
Tarquin x1
Trunx x1
Missions Doing:
Trunx X
Tarquin X

Hey, I'm Rose. I would like to have _____
for I'm trying to get another LE. I would love to have 2 LE's instead of a lonely one;
surrounded by Non LE's. I have once gave away a Poera to new members around and thought of doing a mission. I've sold the potion to help me in my dream fund, then I started a new mission to help me get my dream pet, a _____. Doing ___ is quiet hard for me since I've started Trunx. But since your giving ___ away, it would be a great pleasure of me to love her. I may wirte her a poem, or even a song, but I might over do it, I may make it wrong. And if I certainly did do it, I might just spoil my chance out. I hope that you may *slightly* pick me for a finalist giving me courage for me to do better on giveaways. Even when you don't pick me as a winner for Adimo, not that she's a prize, I may hope you make me a finalist, attempting to do better in making applications for pets.

For ___, I may costume her mummy but it's all up to you if you want me to. If I could just win at least one give away, I'd thank you for giving me the 1st time to win, feeling couraged and absolutely not discouraged. As you may ask why I deserve her, I have a perfect answer to that; I have been her for more than 1 year and haven't ever got anythign I've deserve and people often said I deserve to do it all my own. Those are the words I've kept in mind but never did believe that I don't deserve anything. I have attempted many of these giveaways and your my 51st attempt to loose once more. I might even say that I have the record of 51 times of loosing! ^^

Well, I have done my best attempt, my longest and my most sincerest attempt, and the time for me to say Farewell and Goodluck to all application forms!

Rose or as I may say, CelesteRosa!

CC Sindi Potion
Glass Costume
Black Rusty Potion
White Zoink Potion
Ice Poera Potion
Ice Costume
Nefarious Female Costume
Grim Reaper Female Costume
Mutant Female Costume
Millionaire Costume
Dignified Jacket
Silver Viotto Potion
Prison Phanty Potion
Love Costume
Pixie Costume
Fairy Costume
Toddler Chibs Potion
Toddler Costume
Lightning Costume
Pixie Snookle Potion
Ice Fairy Costume
Ench. Grey Chibs Plushie
Ench. Black Chibs Plushie
Ench. Funk Sindi Plushie
Bronze Ushunda Potion
Punk Tantua Potion
Punk Sindi Potion
Voodoo Costume
Zombie Costume
Mummy Daisy Doll
Christmas Stamp
Home School Musical
Chocolate Costume
Seasonal Viotto Potion
Halloween Newth Potion.

  1. What's your fortune? (Quiz)
    13th Jul 2009 05:02
    15 years & 8 months ago
  2. My Black Zoink Dream Fund
    23rd Jun 2009 02:40
    15 years, 8 months & 20 days ago
  3. What Kind Of Juice Are You?
    27th Aug 2008 07:44
    16 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  4. Helpful Pet Prices
    20th Aug 2008 08:53
    16 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  5. Reminder
    15th Aug 2008 02:26
    16 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  6. My first 1 Million!
    13th Aug 2008 03:44
    16 years & 7 months ago
  7. Trotter
    19th Jul 2008 09:30
    16 years, 7 months & 24 days ago