15 years, 8 months & 6 days ago

7th Jul 2009 08:51
(i can put ur avatar on ther 2) i can also put make them 4 ur club (:
Fill this out here or mm me it here it is:
Backround color/s(main and non main):
Txt color/s(can make rainbow):
wat txt say:
glitter or heats or u can just say notin or just put on sometin:
wats on it(like a pet or .....):
If u want 2 pay me that would be TERRIFIC i need all the money i can get 4 blitzen i need like over 1m!!! i also got hacked all my money, rp, bp and some items so ya
o ya i can also make that thing at the bottom at my profile pics!
have 2 fill out this
wat its called:
wat it says:
3 choices:
im sry 4 sayin this but if u pay me which i hope u do lolz i sound greedy im sry
but if i make u the 1 with the avatar id like it least 6k and if i make u 1 with a pet i want it least 4k or sometin like it and if i make u the last thing then id like it least 10k and plz tell ppl i make them cuz i did not put my name on it but im ganna start puttin my name on it im sry
pet trading
16 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

23rd May 2008 08:11
for trade
(maybe)means that i might give it to u(justand most maybe) means that it will probley a yes if u want
Euthyphro (just and most maybe)
defintally not for trade