My blog story
16 years, 3 months & 19 days ago

28th Nov 2008 11:38
Monday, Jan 20
I opened my eyes to see Jeremy walking down the hall. I sighed. This had to be done sooner or later. I turned around and saw Miranda walking in the opposite direction, her head in space. Great. More witnesses.
The inside of my locker was pink and girly. I grabbed my chemistry book and the new '17 Magizine' that Marci had let me borrow.
I reluctantly closed my locker just as Jeremy walked up to me.
He saw that something was on my mind, "Hey Jos! Ummm... What't up?"
"My name is Josi," I clarified it for him -- again. Miranda walked pasted me and I gave a sigh of relief. She wasn't interested in my boyfriend. She -- just like everyone else -- thought of Jeremy as a dork/nerd/freak. I guess you could say that I thought of him like that too, but when he asked my out, there was no bone in my body ready to say 'No.'
Jeremy was still staring at me waiting for me to say more. His eyes were beautiful under his 80's glasses, his pale skin just made everybody feel the need to buy some sunglasses, and him being so smart and dedicated to school, made him only one of the biggest nerds in school. Only.
"Jeremy," I said quietly, "I don't think we should be going out. It's not like I love you and want to marry you." I lied.
His eyes grew wide as he took this in, "But...but...I love you, Jos. I, I mean Josi. I want to grow old with you..."
I cut him off, "Okay. Ewwww!" I fliped my hair and walked away. I wasn't surprised when he started to follow me. "Look Jeremy. We're over. That means you stop stalking me!" I hated being mean to the guy of my dreams, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
"But you're so beautiful..." I heard him whisper from behind me. I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not. I mean there's lots of guys waiting to ask me out but 'freaks' usually have a weird taste in girls.
There were tears waiting to come out. I blinked them away.
I saw Hanadi walk out of her last class with Omar at her side. I didn't care that Omar thought of me as an outsider to the popular group because I was a virgin and I only have two X's (Todd and Jeremy). Well Omar could get a life! I didn't think Hanadi was best for him so Yeah!
"Hanadi! I need to talk to you." I glanced at Omar, my eyes saying there's going to be a fight if he doesn't go away.
"Ummm...Sure," She replied. "Omar...Do you think you can-"
"Yeah. Whatever," Omar said very rudely in my defense.
"Okay, still love ya, Khabookashay!" Hanadi told him as he was walking away.
I looked at her and said, "Wow a keeper." We both gave a little chuckle.
"Okay so what do you want to talk about, Joseremy," She joked. I looked at her my eyes telling her the story right there. "Oh! You did him or he did you?"
"I broke up with him."
"Tell me everything."
"Well it was today-," I started but Hanadi cut me off.
"Of course it was today! If it was over the weekend, you have better of told me!" She said. We both chuckled.
"Hehe, so yeah, and he walked up like 10 minutes ago and I told him we were done and I walked away. *Sigh* Then he started following me. Ugh! I told him we were no more and that he should stop stalking me! Sometimes Xes are so annoying! Hehe," I finished. I figured short and simle is better than long and wordy. When you are in the popular group, you got to act popular and BE like a girl *internal laugh*.
Her phone went off. Hanadi looked at me and I gave a reassuring smile and nodded my head. She looked at it and showed it to me. It was Miranda. Her and Miranda were the bestest of friends. Miranda was probably calling her because she just had another crisis. Who knows! Miranda was a little crazy but she was fun to hang around.
Hanadi answered her phone and started talking to her. I carefully got up and walked away. The bell was about to ring, and my class was across the school so I thought it was a good time to get moving to chemistry.
Chemistry was boring and confusing as usual. But at least now I can go to lunch where all the fun in school is!
Everyone who loves lunch time always gets there early -- like me!!! I love lunch because that's where you can hear all the gosip and talk about the Wannabs who are never going to be in our group of tight friends.
Most people considered us as popular. We really just like to call ourselves 'friends that are awesome'! We always have sleepovers, parties, and shopping sprees. Our group was consisted of lots of girls. The boys aren't exactly in our goup because they can't come to our sleepovers and some of our shopping sprees. They are just there to sit with us at lunch and be our boyfriends. My friends in the group are (it is a rule that everyone in the group is your friend, no matter how much you hate them): Miranda, Ali, Natalie, Hanadi, Marci, Sarah, Ananda, and ME! My best friend in the whol world is not in the group. In freshmen year, Cameryn and I were always going to do everything the same. EVERYTHING! So when the populars accepted me I tried soooo hard to get Cameryn accepted too. It worked some. She comes to some sleepovers, ALL the parties, and most shopping sprees. She is defentially better than the Wannabs. Also, she is my best friend!
The Wannabs are an annoying group of girls who are so obsessed with being in our group! They get on all of our nerves! I don't know why they try. I mean they never will be one of the Awesome Girls as we have joked about what we are called. They copy everything we do. If I wear a striped bra, they will too! I hate them, and so does everybody else. They even have to nerve to sit at our table. Luckily, though, they sit at the end where nobody else sits. Their group are: Chelsea, Baine, Alexia, and Sarita.
I guess you can say that this is just a normal, typical high school. Well except for me...
I grabbed my lunch and made my way to our table. Marci was already there so I quickly returned her magizine. Her dad could always pull some strings to get anything she wanted. It was kind of annoying, but neat in a way. She nodded and thanked me.
"Did Hanadi tell you?" I asked her.
"About Jeremy?," She didn't even wait for me to agree/disagree, "Oh my gosh! No she didn't but she must've told Miranda and Miranda was telling the WHOLE school! I'm surprised I haven't heard her on the intercom yet. She was going on and on and on about it. I guess she's glad the Jeremy is unavaible Haha Yeah right! Maybe she's glad I don't know. Did you tell Cameryn? I guess you did because you and her are so tight! She is nice I guess. I don't really know her though..." Yep. Marci is a talker.
Marci's nickname is 'String Bean' because she is skinny as you wouldn't ever know! She is half black and half white, but she is beautiful.
"Hehe, Yep I told Cameryn. How many times do I have to tell you that if I tell somebody something about, well like gossip stuff, I have to tell Cameryn?," I joked with her and we both laughed, "I texted her in Chemistry...Hmmm...Maybe that's why I'm failing"
"Maybe it's because of Mrs. Heckoman. She's something from Mars! You're glad you don't have her, Marci," Ali said as she came up. Ali was a little plump, but she made her fashion work around that. Her hair was naturally burnette but you can tell where the hair color is dying.
"Hey Ali! What's up?" I asked.
"Oh my! You broke up with Jeremy! I'm so proud of you. You do know he is butt ugly, right?" said Ali.
"Maybe that is the whole reason I broke up with him... Hehe you never know." I replied.
"You're so mysterious, Josi. Ya know that, right?" Marci said. Hanadi walked up right then and heard her comment, and laughed with them. I didn't laugh because they didn't know, but I did.
I AM mysterious. I AM weird! I can't help this fact. I can't help that I'm in love with a dork! I can't do anything! I don't even know if this is even possible, for one of me to fall in love with a human of any creature! I want to die right now.
Suddenly they could feel the tension rolling off my body and Ali was the lifesaver that changed the subject. "So, Hanadi, how is Omar?"
"Omar is so dreamy! And my parents actually approve because he's from Jordan like me. I was like 'wow' when they let me spend the night at his house," Hanadi replied.
"Did you do something," said Ali.
"I don't kiss and tell."
"But did you do more than kiss?"
"Oh! No! I was so extatic when he kissed me, nothing more than that happened. Okay?"
By then our whole group was at the table. Miranda, Cameryn, Sarah, Amanda, and Natalie had just joined us.
"Give her a break, Ali. If you did something with Carter you wouldn't tell the whole school would you?" Miranda said sticking up for Hanadi, even though Ali was more joking and just wanted to change the subject.
I felt that this was kind of my fault so I stepped in, "Okay! Change of subject."
We say that alot when we really want to change the subject.
"But I didn't do anything with him..." Hanadi mumbled under her breath, but she was sitting next to me so I could hear her. I didn't really care that much, it wasn't like I was going through much more than she could ever imagine...
Cameryn was the one who actually changed the subject, "So are we having a sleepover tonight at my house or not? I still haven't got majority yet."
"If you're having one, then I'm coming," Natalie said.
"Yeah, me too and Manny will come too because she is not leaving to go hang out with Tom when she could go to a sleepover with me at Cameryn's," Sarah said. Amanda and Sarah are twins, luckily they're not identical! That would have been hard determining who is who.
"Okay so that's 3 yeses, any more?" Asked Cameryn.
"Ummm I got a 'no'. Sorry Cam. I know that we're best friends and all but I'm busy tonight. Sooo sorry," I replied. Cameryn knew me well enough to know that I was hiding something for years, but she never quite ahd the guts to confront me about it.
"Relatives," I nodded, "Well okay. Are you going to be at school tomorrow?" I shook my head, "Uh! Fine whatever see ya Wednesday. Miranda, Hanadi, Ali, and Marci, still no replies from you," Cameryn said.
"I can't come because of Omar," Hanadi said.
Marci and Ali were whispering. They nodded and Marci said, "Ali and I are coming."
"Miranda?" Cameryn asked.
"Yeah, I can come," Miranda sounded reluctant. Cameryn and Miranda never were close. Miranda still liked to think Cameryn as a Wannab that just got lucky and made it into our group, except she only made it in because of me. I didn't really care because whatever group accepted me have better accept Cameryn.
"Okay! Cool! Ummm...Josi, since you can't come to the sleepover, do you think you can help me set it up?"
"Sure! No prob.,"
"Then it's settled. My house at 9."
"Hey Omar," Hanadi said touching Omar's chest.
The boys came to our table. They are usually late because they are beating up some dork or whatever. They are our boyfriends and Xs. We love to hang around them because they're so cool and sweet. Their names are: Omar, Tom, Carter, Todd, Brian, Deven, Josh, Marc, Derek, Mitchell, Keven, and Jacob. Todd, Deven, Derek, Marc, Mitchell, and Jacob were the only single ones. Just like how Amanda, me, and Marci were the only single girls.
I guess you could say that I was taken. My heart was taken by Jeremy, then I crushed both of ours when I broke up with him. Now I wish for a full heart even just after a couple hours after the break-up.
"Well Josi broke-up with Jeremy," Sarah declared.
Everybody looked at me. I shrugged, "You all know what he looks like." They started mumbling stuff like 'Yeah we do' and 'Can't believe you didn't break-up with him when you first saw his face'.