My new blog
16 years, 5 months & 2 days ago

10th Oct 2008 23:26
hey my name is elaine but my username is chocopie02 and im having fun at marapets. And the cool stuff that's going on at marapets is awsome! And who ever is raeding this comment it don't be shy 'cause I like people commenting my blog(s). So yeah later and if U add me or if I add U then it's going to so fun! So yeah,and marapets makes me ,. So have fun in marapets!
16 years, 5 months & 2 days ago

10th Oct 2008 23:25
hey my name is elaine but my username is chocopie02 and im having fun at marapets. And the cool stuff that's going on at marapets is awsome! And who ever is raeding this comment it don't be shy 'cause I like people commenting my blog(s). So yeah later and if U add me or if I add U then it's going to so fun! So yeah,and marapets makes me ,. So have fun in marapets!