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  1. Application for Taphe
    30th Jul 2010 16:23
    14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. Application for ISCE
    24th Jul 2010 18:23
    14 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
    19th Jan 2008 09:48
    17 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  4. ~My pets~
    26th Dec 2007 11:18
    17 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
  5. Today's the best day ever!
    2nd Dec 2007 12:16
    17 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
  6. 3 special people I would like to thank.....
    20th Nov 2007 10:52
    17 years, 3 months & 24 days ago
  7. TO STAFF:
    19th Sep 2007 19:08
    17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  8. My Dream pets
    25th Jul 2007 17:02
    17 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
Application for Taphe
14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
30th Jul 2010 16:23

Hi there Drexmuffin! My name is PureSeduction as you probably know, but what you don???t know is that I got my name from my favorite Victoria Secret lotion. Not a lot of people know this, only my close friends, but hey, we chatted pretty recently so maybe we will be friends in the future! Sidenote, you told me that you were going to trade Taphe for a seasonal chibbers and I remember you were also encouraging me to go out and trade for one, so why are you giving up so early? sad.gif I think it would be pretty awesome if we both had seasonal chibs. However, in my case, it doesn???t seem like I???ll ever reach that goal! =/

Besides that, I???m not one to complain because I???ve been working my butt off for 3 years and I???m SO proud of what I managed to achieve in such a long period of time. I truly feel like my pet goals are almost complete, but somewhere deep inside, I still have a yearning for a Wizard Ercuw, but never had the guts to offer any of my pets for one. This is mainly the reason why I feel so compelled to apply for your gorgeous pet, Taphe.

This is probably one of the biggest opportunities I have taken advantage of and the thrill of it is just ecstatic! I am bubbling with apprehensive anticipation because the chances are a million to one, but in the end, your choice of a new owner would be in Taphe???s best interest and I shall respect your choice. Only the best owner for the best pet, right?

I know a lot of (jealous) people would think that I am not a deserving owner since I have so called ???gorgeous pets??? already, but my reply to them is ???Why are you trying to rob other people???s chances away from them???? Just because I worked my butt off for the pets that I have always dreamed of doesn???t mean that I want to be discriminated against in a competition. It???s the same thing as saying, ???You have too many gold medals. Sorry, but you can???t compete in the Olympics anymore???. That just doesn???t make sense, so sometimes I don???t understand why other people have to act this way. I want to be given a fair shot and I will not begrudge anyone theirs.

I cherish each and every one of my pets and most of them have been with me for more than 2 years and that status shall stay. To me, they???re more than just pixels and I value them nearly as much as real people. In fact, I treasure them a bit more than certain people I know because my pets will never backstab me, talk bad about me, etc. Everytime I log onto Marapets, the first thing I do is check my pets to see if they???re ok. It???s a habit I???ve built up over the years and I know that if I don???t see them at least once, I will go completely NUTS the rest of the day. And that???s no joke! My pets are the world to me and I believe that if in the rare case that I do win, it???s for a good reason and because I was chosen over everybody else, I have more responsibilities to be the best owner I can possibly be.

A lot of people seem to be interested in him and I seem to have strong competition, but that???s alright with me. If I don???t win, it means that that owner would be a better owner for Taphe and I just want the best for him. He truly deserves that much, but I still hope you would consider me because I know he???d love to have a good brother like Elaborate, my zombie ercuw.

And without further ado, here is my poem for Taphe:

I know that I am not one to rhyme,
But the poem I have for Taphe is just sublime.
Many a days I have just spent a-gazing
At Taphe, his firey glory ablazing.
His hat sits crooked atop his head,
And I see that he???s only 30% fed.
What I wouldn???t give to buy him some morsel,
to fill his tummy and make him healthful.
I also see that his strength and defense are superb,
he???ll have the ability to burn enemies to cinders.
I could also go on and on about his obvious intellect,
With the astounding 24 books he has read.
His virtues make for a long listing,
So the only thing left to say is????????????

His magnificence is purely seducing! <---I incorporated my name into this!

I hope you like my application! Boy, that poem took me a long time to write but it was all worth it! happy.gif

Application for ISCE
14 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
24th Jul 2010 18:23

Hi there! First off, I'm not going to say "I'm sorry you're quitting" because I'm pretty sure that most people will say that without even truly meaning it! Anyways, I'm not entirely sure how to make this app stand out because I'm pretty sure you have other apps to look at so I guess the only thing I can say (which might make me sound weird) is that I love POPSICLES!! Surprisingly enough, they remind me of your Ice Viotto, but rest assured, I???m not going to end up eating Isce. Quite frankly, I do not have any cravings for a pixilated image of a frosted deer and I can???t begin to imagine how one could go through the process of consuming one. However, if you do have a technique to accomplish such task, please let me know-immediately, I might add. Anyhow, I know for a fact that pretty much 99% of all the other apps would have the same arrangement. They???re just going to babble on and on about why they want your viotto, what they???re going to do with it and blablablablabla. And 1000% of them would just suck up to you to get your LE pet, so all I can say is that I obviously won???t stoop to that level because in my point of view, it???s quite degrading. One minute they would be spurting out lovely nothings and once they get a hold of your pet, they would just disregard and completely ignore you. I, on the other hand, have had more than 3 years of experience and my pets have been with me for more than 2 years, so from this fact, you can infer that I am loyal to my pets and I???ve stayed friends with all of my generous benefactors. Not that I have many, I mean, but hey, if for some strange reason I do end up with Isce (which statistically isn???t in my favor), I???ll have at least one more friend- YOU! I mean, that is, if you want to be? *Big, teary eyes*
Thanks for reading my app and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Also, the cost of keeping a viotto is quite outrageous nowadays-what with all the nifty costumes, intelligence-boosting books, and reliable weapons, so any amount of money, whether big or small, is quite appreciated! Isce is going to be THE most spoiled viotto in all of marapets! lol

17 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
19th Jan 2008 09:48


~My pets~
17 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
26th Dec 2007 11:18

Now before you offer something crazy for my pets, Please check this list to see if they're UFT or NFT:

Chanzer: NFT unless you have a baby quell.
Datsyuk: NFT
Elaborate: NFT unless you have a mermaid ercuw.
Caynonn: UFT
Infury: NFT
Losmosis: NFT ever! Costumed him myself!
Naminela: NFT
Phissle: NFT unless you have a seasonal chibbers! LOLz!
Ristar_2000: UFT
Zeallia: UFT
ihaveloveforyou: NFT too special to me!
sharmika: NFT
x_gothic_dude_x: NFT

There you go. Now go wild! XD

Since I have nowhere else to put this, I might as well drop it here:
?????????`??? POKE ???????`?????
Beautiful, isn't it?

Today's the best day ever!
17 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
2nd Dec 2007 12:16

I finally turned Infury into an ice fairy dakota and I traded my ice fairy chibs for 3 latis!! YAY! happy.gif
And big thanks to Lizzieborden (aka The nicest person in all of Marada) for giving me 2 Extra Pet Giftboxes! Thanks soo much! Love ya! smile.gif

Second best day ever:
December 9, 2007
I've gotten 5 ENCHANTED PLUSHIES IN A ROW!! WOOHOO!! And they sell for over 20k each!!! happy.gif

  1. Application for Taphe
    30th Jul 2010 16:23
    14 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
  2. Application for ISCE
    24th Jul 2010 18:23
    14 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
    19th Jan 2008 09:48
    17 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  4. ~My pets~
    26th Dec 2007 11:18
    17 years, 2 months & 19 days ago
  5. Today's the best day ever!
    2nd Dec 2007 12:16
    17 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
  6. 3 special people I would like to thank.....
    20th Nov 2007 10:52
    17 years, 3 months & 24 days ago
  7. TO STAFF:
    19th Sep 2007 19:08
    17 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  8. My Dream pets
    25th Jul 2007 17:02
    17 years, 7 months & 20 days ago