2008 Christmas Gift Swap.
16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago

30th Nov 2008 21:19
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We're all happy here in Marada.
Why?! Because of the Annual Christmas Gift Swap held right here in my blog.
I will post all the details here, and all you have to do is read.
To enter- Post so here, in my blog!
Look for your name [if you entered]
And find your partner.
Get them a gift of 25,000MP or more value.
I suggest looking at their wishlists,
but maramail them and get to know each other. [;
If you need a link to your partners page,
Maramail me. [;
Thanks you guys!
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1. karenarp - redblossom
2. midnightsky685 - Krushd
3. Lavie - Alcyone
4. Inshadowz - gunnerdockdog
5. shellovesmike - aroseintherain
6. icewolf12 -Impatiens2003
7. mmfrogger - Ahti
8. debbieg2004 - hardyopia
9. herbgurl21 - wigglebottoms1234
10. cappygirl - candycane260
11. PurrrfectPrincess - bluetailmonkey
12. alaunie - MrsIci
13. Tan19 - angel78022
14. Lucy606 - cutebutpsycho07
15. aroseintherain - shellovesmike
16. jesuslovesyou4ev - Saukee
17. StephenE - whatley21
18. victoriac07 - eileen7aa
19. gotaylor111 - davidmorgan
20. pinkylexi - LordStarchaser
21. MrWedge - mypetsforever
22. xXPamXx - prettymaxinne
23. Goathice - moocbb
24. Ahti - mmfrogger
25. babygurl1221 - xXChaolanXx
26. Elliot06 - justmar
27. weegracey - shyone33
28. kikitam - Flower124
29. redblossom - karenarp
30. theanuqui - SirFrederick
31. moocbb - oathice
32. twiztid_juggalos - sweetpea5253
33. mypetsforever - MrWedge
34. Fisi - Brinco
35. bluetailmonkey - PurrrfectPrincess
36. wigglebottoms1234 - herbgurl21
37. shyshilo - foxxycox
38. Rottielover62 - papawill
39. gomer95949 - grumpybear16
40. Krushd - midnightsky685
41. gorfback - ratajczak7204
42. mama2evry1 - ronkonkomabound
43. Alcyone - Lavie
44. webkinz401 - princessdiana19
45. Cutey23746 - Tattogurl
46. natskiddo - almondjoybar
47. Flower124 - kikitam
48. marialpets - cocobean2007
49. phawnn1 - silkrose8378
50. xXChaolanXx - babygurl1221
51. eileen7aa - ictoriac07
52. jelleo123 - doccat5
53. ladyanadora - Vadalyn
54. Kittyrache - roxyfoxy260
55. JenCal4 - codestone
56. Denny1 - Bestbabes
57. grumpybear16 - gomer95949
58. cocobean2007 - marialpets
59. SimpleAndClean - mama2evry1
60. Bestbabes - Denny1
61. smurfnsmurfette87 - baybri666
62. angel78022 - Tan19
63. codestone - JenCal4
64. serena112587 - whatley21
65. StephPur - Melkorbane
66. smelllybean - arieloo09
67. moondownelf - ripzacshair
68. davidmorgan - gotaylor111
69. LordStarchaser - pinkylexi
70. SirFrederick - theanuqui
71. themilinnichics - Cuddlebum02
72. shyone33 - weegracey
73. doccat5 - jelleo123
74. gunnerdockdog - Inshadowz
75. ronkonkomabound - mama2evry1
76. Vadalyn - ladyanadora
77. unicorn_misschief
78. almondjoybar - natskiddo
79. justmar - Elliot06
80. whatley21 - StephenE / serena112587
81. ripzacshair - moondownelf
82. candycane260 - cappygirl
83. Shnoodle - BONEZ123
84. Brinco - Fisi
85. Tattogurl - Cutey23746
86. Melkorbane - StephPur
87. roxyfoxy260 - Kittyrache
88. arieloo09 - smelllybean
89. MrsIci - alaunie
90. foxxycox - shyshilo
91. Cuddlebum02 - themilinnichics
92. cutebutpsycho07 - Lucy606
93. Impatiens2003 - icewolf12
94. spyder_dawg - Impatiens2003
95. Saukee - jesuslovesyou4ev
96. jennibelle - HeavenlyAngels
97. silkrose8378 - phawnn1
98. ratajczak7204 - gorfback
99. baybri666 - smurfnsmurfette87
100. hardyopia - debbieg2004
101. HeavenlyAngels - jennibelle
102. princessdiana19 - webkinz401
103. sweetpea5253 -twiztid_juggalos
104. Impatiens2003 - spyder_dawg
105. BONEZ123 - Shnoodle
106. prettymaxinne - xXPamXx
107. SkeerdyKitty - Libby2526
109. papawill - Rottielover62
110. Libby2526 - SkeerdyKitty
111. yuchenusa - theresaanne
112. theresaanne - yuchenusa
113. marryjanne - AbsolutNormal
114. AbsolutNormal - marryjanne