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    9th Dec 2011 18:38
    13 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  2. Holiday Gift Exchange 2010!
    25th Nov 2010 18:28
    14 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  3. 2009 Gift Exchange.
    18th Dec 2009 10:12
    15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  4. Never Forgetting these moments on Mara;
    24th Dec 2008 18:02
    16 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  5. 2008 Christmas Gift Swap.
    30th Nov 2008 21:19
    16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
13 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
9th Dec 2011 18:38

Fourth Annual 2011 Christmas Swap!


Holiday Gift Exchange 2010!
14 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
25th Nov 2010 18:28


Thank you for signing up for the Christmas Exchange! I started doing these 3 years ago, & now it seems every other member is hosting one of these events. So I am very grateful for the 40 participants that we have this year.

With that being said, I have partnered you up! To see who your partner is ??? please CHECK THE LIST BELOW!

I???ve set the price limit to anywhere from 15,000 ??? 25,000 MP! If this isn???t affordable for you, let me know by mailing me & I will gladly work with you! If you wish to spend more, feel free to do so!
I would look at your partners wish list, gallery, or mail them to see what they would like! Smile
Let me know if you need a link to your partners profile! Thanks again for all your support!


FINAL 2010 Gift Exchange Members:
1. whatley21 ??? moocbb, icewolf12
2. Mrsrena ??? Inshadowz
3. Cuddlebum02 ??? Libby2526
4. THEDAD ??? SimplySouthern
5. kolkolkol445 ??? fire_23
6. samuri8122 ??? shyshilo
7. gomer95949 ??? Saukee
8. chocolate421 ??? rarebabyd
9. StephenE ??? Roberti
10. Shyshilo ??? samuri8122
11. BaileyXIII ??? Uzmutt
12. Pirfection ??? Bestbabes
13. Roberti ??? StephenE
14. lateroses2 ??? QueenKa
15. Lollydrop ??? SexyRain2
16. LexLex ??? Wiild
17. playgyal1990 ??? keat58
18. PoetKitty2005 ??? Archangel123
19. petlord5 ??? sarahluke
20. QueenKa ??? lateroses2
21. rarebabyd ??? chocolate421
22. Uzmutt ??? BaileyXIII
23. amalickavaca85 ??? doglover939
24. Saukee ??? gomer95949
25. doglover939 ??? amalickavaca85
26. SimplySouthern ??? THEDAD
27. keat58 ??? playgyal1990
28. Libby2526 ??? Cuddlebum02
29. fire_23 ??? kolkolkol445
30. Aroseintherain ??? mama2evry1
31. noodles420 ??? Strawberrichic
32. Moocbb ??? whatley21
33. Sarahluke ??? petlord5
34. Bestbabes ??? Pirfection
35. Strawberrichic ??? noodles420
36. Wiild ??? LexLex
37. SexyRain2 ??? lollydrop
38. Archangel123 ??? PoetKitty2005
39. mama2evry1 ??? aroseintherain
40. Inshadowz - mrsrena
41. Icewolf12 - whatley21

2009 Gift Exchange.
15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
18th Dec 2009 10:12

It's December!
And it's a little late, but I'm hosting another gift exchange
This will not only be for Christmas, but for the New Year as well.

Now, last year I paired up people on random. I will do the same this year.
With that being said, let's get the Swap Started. happy.gif


Maramail me with any questions you have. I will be glad to help out with getting a gift for anyone. Thanks so much you guys!
Let the festivities begin!



Every Maramail has been sent out!

I'm thrilled to get this on a roll finally.
All contestants, maramail me with any questions.
You're partners were not only maramailed to you, but they are listed here as well.

The winner of my Christmas & Prosperous New Year Package is:

But not to worry, random gifts of kindness will be sent to contestants showing Christmas Spirit.

For those of you who didn't sign up- and wish to..
I will be hosting another gift exchange very soon. Keep your eyes out in the AF.

I see these people showing Christmas Spirit; Gifts of Kindness will be sent out on Christmas Day!

- shabumpkin69
- Libby2526

1. whatley21 - THEDAD
2. StephenE - smurfnsmurfette87
3. tracyg76 - Libby2526
4. Saukee - CINDYM
5. Raevenfire - mmfrogger
6. moondownelf - tishalook
7. QueenKa - billieraidbronson
8. LexLex - Furship
9. Luvmeluvr - midnightsky685
10. almondjoybar - Cuddlebum02
11. tishalook - moondownelf
12. mama2evry1 - mrsrena
13. shyone33 - missy326
14. rarebabyd - Insignia
15. kacy2425 - cocobean2007
16. Insignia - rarebabyd
17. mmfrogger - Raevenfire
18. roxyfoxy260 - pinkbeauty85
19. playgyal1990 - tinkerbell877
20. midnightsky685 - Luvmeluvr
21. billieraidbronson - QueenKa
22. missy326 - shyone33
23. THEDAD - whatley21
24. mrsrena - mama2evry1
25. tinkerbell877 - playgyal1990
26. pursnikitty - mypetsforever
27. Libby2526 - tracyg76
28. amalickavaca85 - unicorn_misschief
29. Cuddlebum02 - almondjoybar
30. pinkbeauty85 - roxyfoxy260
31. petlord5 - infernototodile
32. unicorn_misschief - amalickavaca85
33. Furship - LexLex
34. mypetsforever - pursnikitty
35. cocobean2007 - kacy2425
36. smurfnsmurfette87 - StephenE
37. CINDYM - Saukee
38. infernototodile - petlord5

Never Forgetting these moments on Mara;
16 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
24th Dec 2008 18:02

Dear whatley21 You have been sent a Ice Fairy Dakota Potion from spyder_dawg!

Reply to spyder_dawg

Dear whatley21 You have been sent a Archeology Giftbox from spyder_dawg!

Reply to spyder_dawg

Dear whatley21 You have been sent a University Giftbox from spyder_dawg!

Reply to spyder_dawg

Dear whatley21 You have been sent a Ice Caves Giftbox from spyder_dawg!

Reply to spyder_dawg

Dear whatley21 You have been sent a Chronicles of the Light from spyder_dawg!

Reply to spyder_dawg

2008 Christmas Gift Swap.
16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago
30th Nov 2008 21:19

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We're all happy here in Marada.
Why?! Because of the Annual Christmas Gift Swap held right here in my blog.
I will post all the details here, and all you have to do is read.

To enter- Post so here, in my blog!
Look for your name [if you entered]
And find your partner.

Get them a gift of 25,000MP or more value.
I suggest looking at their wishlists,
but maramail them and get to know each other. [;

If you need a link to your partners page,
Maramail me. [;

Thanks you guys!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. karenarp - redblossom
2. midnightsky685 - Krushd
3. Lavie - Alcyone
4. Inshadowz - gunnerdockdog
5. shellovesmike - aroseintherain
6. icewolf12 -Impatiens2003
7. mmfrogger - Ahti
8. debbieg2004 - hardyopia
9. herbgurl21 - wigglebottoms1234
10. cappygirl - candycane260
11. PurrrfectPrincess - bluetailmonkey
12. alaunie - MrsIci
13. Tan19 - angel78022
14. Lucy606 - cutebutpsycho07
15. aroseintherain - shellovesmike
16. jesuslovesyou4ev - Saukee
17. StephenE - whatley21
18. victoriac07 - eileen7aa
19. gotaylor111 - davidmorgan
20. pinkylexi - LordStarchaser
21. MrWedge - mypetsforever
22. xXPamXx - prettymaxinne
23. Goathice - moocbb
24. Ahti - mmfrogger
25. babygurl1221 - xXChaolanXx
26. Elliot06 - justmar
27. weegracey - shyone33
28. kikitam - Flower124
29. redblossom - karenarp
30. theanuqui - SirFrederick
31. moocbb - oathice
32. twiztid_juggalos - sweetpea5253
33. mypetsforever - MrWedge
34. Fisi - Brinco
35. bluetailmonkey - PurrrfectPrincess
36. wigglebottoms1234 - herbgurl21
37. shyshilo - foxxycox
38. Rottielover62 - papawill
39. gomer95949 - grumpybear16
40. Krushd - midnightsky685
41. gorfback - ratajczak7204
42. mama2evry1 - ronkonkomabound
43. Alcyone - Lavie
44. webkinz401 - princessdiana19
45. Cutey23746 - Tattogurl
46. natskiddo - almondjoybar
47. Flower124 - kikitam
48. marialpets - cocobean2007
49. phawnn1 - silkrose8378
50. xXChaolanXx - babygurl1221
51. eileen7aa - ictoriac07
52. jelleo123 - doccat5
53. ladyanadora - Vadalyn
54. Kittyrache - roxyfoxy260
55. JenCal4 - codestone
56. Denny1 - Bestbabes
57. grumpybear16 - gomer95949
58. cocobean2007 - marialpets
59. SimpleAndClean - mama2evry1
60. Bestbabes - Denny1
61. smurfnsmurfette87 - baybri666
62. angel78022 - Tan19
63. codestone - JenCal4
64. serena112587 - whatley21
65. StephPur - Melkorbane
66. smelllybean - arieloo09
67. moondownelf - ripzacshair
68. davidmorgan - gotaylor111
69. LordStarchaser - pinkylexi
70. SirFrederick - theanuqui
71. themilinnichics - Cuddlebum02
72. shyone33 - weegracey
73. doccat5 - jelleo123
74. gunnerdockdog - Inshadowz
75. ronkonkomabound - mama2evry1
76. Vadalyn - ladyanadora
77. unicorn_misschief
78. almondjoybar - natskiddo
79. justmar - Elliot06
80. whatley21 - StephenE / serena112587
81. ripzacshair - moondownelf
82. candycane260 - cappygirl
83. Shnoodle - BONEZ123
84. Brinco - Fisi
85. Tattogurl - Cutey23746
86. Melkorbane - StephPur
87. roxyfoxy260 - Kittyrache
88. arieloo09 - smelllybean
89. MrsIci - alaunie
90. foxxycox - shyshilo
91. Cuddlebum02 - themilinnichics
92. cutebutpsycho07 - Lucy606
93. Impatiens2003 - icewolf12
94. spyder_dawg - Impatiens2003
95. Saukee - jesuslovesyou4ev
96. jennibelle - HeavenlyAngels
97. silkrose8378 - phawnn1
98. ratajczak7204 - gorfback
99. baybri666 - smurfnsmurfette87
100. hardyopia - debbieg2004
101. HeavenlyAngels - jennibelle
102. princessdiana19 - webkinz401
103. sweetpea5253 -twiztid_juggalos
104. Impatiens2003 - spyder_dawg
105. BONEZ123 - Shnoodle
106. prettymaxinne - xXPamXx
107. SkeerdyKitty - Libby2526
109. papawill - Rottielover62
110. Libby2526 - SkeerdyKitty
111. yuchenusa - theresaanne
112. theresaanne - yuchenusa
113. marryjanne - AbsolutNormal
114. AbsolutNormal - marryjanne


    9th Dec 2011 18:38
    13 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
  2. Holiday Gift Exchange 2010!
    25th Nov 2010 18:28
    14 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  3. 2009 Gift Exchange.
    18th Dec 2009 10:12
    15 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  4. Never Forgetting these moments on Mara;
    24th Dec 2008 18:02
    16 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  5. 2008 Christmas Gift Swap.
    30th Nov 2008 21:19
    16 years, 3 months & 12 days ago