I declare...
15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago

29th Jun 2009 17:09
That I love MY cat Misty, MY snake Steven and the family pet cat Eric.
And i have to say also the family dog, Bobby.
Im in love with....
15 years, 8 months & 17 days ago

28th Jun 2009 06:01
write below what your in love with! It can be anyone or anything!
Im in love with.... my music!
Love me or hate me...
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

23rd Jun 2009 14:02
This is a golden rule I live by...
Weather you Love me, hate me or somewhere in between just tell me! It hate it when people lie to me, and often to themselves, about how much, or how little, they like me.
No matter what you say, nothing bad will happen. I Promise xD

If you really love her...
15 years, 8 months & 22 days ago

23rd Jun 2009 05:11
You would NEVER give up trying to be with her...there is always a way, but it could take a while to find it, some-times just the simple persistance is the way
You would often let her know how much she means to you
You would go to the end of the world and back for her
You would tell her you love her
You would fight for her
You would offer her everything you had just to see her for one more minute
You would cry if she was crying or in pain
You would do anything you could for her
You would talk to her when she is having a really bad day and say "your beautiful, I love you"
you would never notice her bad points
You would always want to be with her
It would kill you to see her with some-one else
Post if you have some-one you feel like that about. =D