Guys would you ever do this for the girl you love?

15 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
21st Jun 2009 07:30Guys, think of the women you love... would you ever do any of these?
*Give her one of you t-shirts to sleep in when she stops over your's but forgets her jammies.
*Send her cute/romantic messages
*Kiss her in front of your friends
*Trust her instead of everyone else
*Tell her she looks beautiful
*Tell her she is the most beautiful women you have ever seen and will ever see
*Look her in the eyes when you talk to her
*Let her mess with your hair
*Mess with her hair
*Spend time just walking around with her
*Include her in everything you do
*Forgive her for her mistakes
*Look at her like she's the only girl you see
*Tickle her
*Hold her hand even when you are around your friends
*When she shouts and swears at you tell her you love her
*Let her fall asleep in your arms
*When you have made her mad, kiss her
*Stay up with her all night when she is sick
*Stay up with her all nght when she is lonly/bored/can't sleep.
*Watch her favorite film with her
*Kiss her forehead
*Give her the world
*write her nice letters
*Write her poems
*Give her your jacket when she is cold
*When she is sad, make her happy
*Let her know she's important
*Let her take as many photo's of you as she wants
*Kiss her in the rain
*Tell her you love her
*Call/text her everynight to let her know you love her
Comment if your a guy that would do those things
