17 years & 14 days ago

4th Mar 2008 15:59
Here are some awesome goals I think I should achieve:
~???Get an emo sindi{}
~???Get over 100 things in my wardrobe{???}
~???Get over 200 things in my wardrobe{???}
~???Get 500k{???}
~???Be a Mara-Millionare{???}
~???Get 2.5 mill.{}
~???Acheive all my goals

Video Games
17 years, 7 months & 25 days ago

24th Jul 2007 07:21
I have to say, i'm a Nintendo freak. I have the N64, 2 Game Boy Colours, GB Advance SP, Gamecube and my favourite, Nintendo Wii! The best games are Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and LoZ: Twilight Princess.
17 years, 8 months & 15 days ago

3rd Jul 2007 09:41
I have 10 of my 12 dream pets! my last 2 dream pets are an emo sindi and explorer tantua!
these are the people that helped me get my dream pets:
~kmermaid-cheese murfin and plant equilor-Thanks!
~redkougra647-halloween tantua-Thanks!
~maggie587-stonage gonk-Thanks!
~nobodysperfect1-royal tantua-Thanks!
~Crystaldropbluebell-ghost xoi-Thanks!
~dvalerie-musical feliz-Thanks!
please mm me if you want to help me! ~???Kari