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  1. Quiz: Which L.E. Marapet Are You?
    21st Jul 2007 10:16
    17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
  2. My Pets
    17th Jul 2007 08:14
    17 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  3. Welcome Joanette!
    8th Jul 2007 07:39
    17 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
  4. Goals
    23rd Jun 2007 06:52
    17 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  5. Welcome to my Blog
    22nd Jun 2007 12:31
    17 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
Quiz: Which L.E. Marapet Are You?
17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
21st Jul 2007 10:16

1. You are:
a. Cute and fluffy
b. Beautiful and mysterious
c. Mischevious
d. Lovable no matter what

2. At school, there's a new marapet. It's a Gonk. What do you do?
a. Become best friends.
b. What?! He's not limited edition! Are you kidding?!
c. Ignore him.
d. Smile in the halls, but otherwise ignore him.

3. Your owner just adopted a baby Quell and its getting all the attention. What do you do?
a. Help out! He's soooo cute, just like me!
b. That would never happen. I'm number one in my family.
c. Great! I hate attention.
d. Pout and silently cry in your room that you aren't the favorite anymore.

4. If you were a marapet would you have a minipet?
a. Yeah, and such a cool one!
b. I have five awesome ones.
c. I have one, but sometimes I wish I didn't. It's so annoying!
d. Maybe, no idea.

5. Which enchanted plushie/potion/costume do you want the most?
a. A love costume! I'd be even cuter!
b. Nothing, duh. I'm the coolest it can get.
c. A funky or gothic costume would be great...
d. I'm fine the way I am.

Mostly As: Lati
Mostly Bs: Chibs
Mostly Cs: Sindi
Mostly Ds: Mordo

Write this on your profile/siggy/blog:
I took sockmonkey27's LE Pet Quiz and I am a SPECIES-GOES-HERE! To take the quiz see sockmonkey27's blog!

Maramail me if you write this. I'll try to give you a prize when I can. Love, Sock Monkey

My Pets
17 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
17th Jul 2007 08:14

NONE OF MY PETS, EXCEPT MY FUNKY BOLIMO, ARE FOR TRADE! Especially Mareika and Crindolia. I'm still zapping BlueRaspberry and Keekiee, though. Leeila might get zapped. BUT MAREIKA AND CRINDOLIA NEVER WILL! Crindolia was a gift from veve202020--thanks SO MUCH! And for Mareika I have the portal to thank. Joanette and RoxieCutie are probably not going to get zapped or for trade. Anyway, yeah...if you have any pets you don't want, even basic-colored ones, maramail me and I might be able to supply a safe home. EVERY GONK, JESSUP, LEIDO AND TANTUA SHOULD HAVE A GOOD HOME! <--my favorite non-le pets. happy.gif

Welcome Joanette!
17 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
8th Jul 2007 07:39

Ok, so my club started doing this thing where we adopt pets from the pound and give them to other members--so I was zapping this pet, Joanette, and she turned into a Camoflague Gonk! I am SO not giving this pet away!

17 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
23rd Jun 2007 06:52

I'm too busy on Marapets to update my profile, so these are my new goals:
[] 100,000mp
[] 1 million mp
[] Millionaire Gonk
[] Fairy Gonk
[] Chocolate Chibs
[] Love Lati
[] Devil Murfin
[] Angel Murfin

Welcome to my Blog
17 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
22nd Jun 2007 12:31

Hey I'm sockmonkey27 and I love marapets. I have just figured out how to create a blog so.........welcome!
About my pets:
B.R. was my first Marapet. I REALLY want her to be fairy, but I'm saving up. Maybe I'll get a fairy costume in a year or two or three Sigh.
Keekiee is my second Marapet. I want her to be Millionaire or Camoflauge.
Leeila started out as a blue Leido. I thought Leeila was the best-ever Leido name. I zapped her at the Portal once and she turned chocolate...she'll remain that way always!
Rox started her life as a cute little baby Walee. She had three older sisters, B.R., Keeks and Leeila. I kept zapping her, but she kept changing to a different kind of Grint. Once, I zapped her and she turned into a Stoneage Gonk! Rox has two sisters that are Gonks, but she's the only painted one...yet.
Mareika is a cute little Murfin. I want her to be angel or devil, but until then...she's my zapping pet.

  1. Quiz: Which L.E. Marapet Are You?
    21st Jul 2007 10:16
    17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
  2. My Pets
    17th Jul 2007 08:14
    17 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  3. Welcome Joanette!
    8th Jul 2007 07:39
    17 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
  4. Goals
    23rd Jun 2007 06:52
    17 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
  5. Welcome to my Blog
    22nd Jun 2007 12:31
    17 years, 9 months & 4 days ago