First Year In High School!
15 years, 6 months & 2 days ago

10th Sep 2009 22:17
Well, I've just had my first few days of high school in my life. And let me tell you, it was TERIBBLE!!! For one thing, most of the people hate me in that school! The second thing is that my best friend didn't show up at all! And lastly I'm now a big fat o'le loner who has to hang out with random/different people all the time!
I think most people hate me because of my mom. <--- THIS IS HARD TO TYPE! Whom I love!!! We have a store and dumb teenagers just come in and bug my mom, my siblings and I(sometimes my dad)! The worst part is that there usually is some yelling/cussing and things usually end in a fight between my mom and stupid teenage boys! I hate those kinds of people - its like they've got nothing better to do but cause trouble. And if you're wondering who starts most of the fights, I can assure you that it is not my mother. Those CHILDREN are always trying to steal, get my mother ticked of and complaining about the prices on items. I admit that things are expensive, but the economy hasn't been doing well for the past year... Also, we live on a small island on the coast of British Columbia. Which means things need to be shipped to us, which hikes the prices up some more. OK I'm done venting about these people for now. Moving on.
My best friends name is Marjorie and we have been friends since 5th grade. She moved away for some of grade 6 & 7 though, but it was only for a couple of months. She went to go visit her father. At the end of last year we were both planning what was going to happen, what we were gonna do and where we would meet for certain things... But, I think it was mostly just me who was talking about it and planning. See, I'm the kind of person who makes my expectations so high and plans to much for my own liking. Of course it is only my first couple of days of high school, so I won't be having too much fun... The main reasons why I keep thinking about this is because I thought we were going to do this together. And now I feel like I've been stabbed in the back or something, I thought she knew how those little things people, even random people do really really hurt me. I don't know whats wrong with me. I think I might be too sensitive. Who knows>? Worst of all, Marjorie hasn't even been to her first 2 days of high school. *FYI* We go to a secondary school which teaches from grades 8-12 & school just started on Wednesday from 8:45 a.m. til 12:00 p.m. SO after the first half day, I phoned her. And guess what??? She wasn't even paying attention to me. I could tell because she wouldn't really reply and I could here her playing on her DS or watching tv because of the sound effects from the game console and the laughing I heard from her watching What I Like About You and other comedy shows. What was even worse than that was that when my sister or I would ask her a question, (we usually put it on speaker so we can both talk at the same time) she would just reply back with a littel laugh!!! You know the laugh, the one were even you can barely hear yourself when your doing it. It sounds a little like the sound you make when you are liked shocked, kinda like a shocked laugh or something like that! Wow, that sounds kinda messed up..... :/ For these reasons, it makes me feel like we shouldn't be friends anymore...

But maybe I'm just PMSing hahaha god this all sounds so depressing to me.....
And the last main thing is that now that Marjorie doesn't/hasn't been/gone to school, I am now a loner! I have to hang out with people who don't even really want me there... *AND NOW I AM GOING TO DRONE ON ABOUT A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO! yay

catch my scarcasm???* I used to be best friends with this person but then we hit grade 5 and the kids from another school transfered in. One of whom, which was the cousin of my best friend at the time. *A/N everyone is related to everyone in this small town, except for me...* They didn't really talk to each other before that because they went to different schools, but over the summer they became like best friends, so I think I felt very pushed to the side when I found out about this and jealous because I didn't know Kendra at all, I think, and then I am never really in touch with people over holidays and long periods of time... I like to go home and crawl into a shell. This is embarassing to say but all I did all summer was sit on my butt and watch tv, go on the internet, sleep in till 3 o'clock everyday and sometimes later, and eat. Thats all! I always say "I'll workout later or I'll help out later" in my head, but I didn't do any of it! I feel like such a loser most of the time. I sound depressed, when I read back on this right now. Maybe I am?
Anyways back to the story. So after I found out about them we all became friends for the first couple of months through grade 5. But after a while that jealousy and hurt feeling came back because I realized that they were in fact best friends now. They would say that I was there friend, but I don't remember them saying that I was their best friend... So thats where Marjorie comes in, she was a loner in the new school and she had no friends. She seemed really nice, so I just became friends with her. And thats where I drifted apart
Sorry I just can't continue writing this for right now. I just cried with my mom for the first time in a long time.