EPI Rant...
8 years, 3 months & 3 days ago

8th Dec 2016 18:34
I am so frustrated right now. Today I have bought 20+ account upgrades in an effort to get the Enchanted Plushie Instructions. I have not gotten a single 9 or 7 piece. I have maramailed and made offers on trades for hours. I\'ve overoffered. Posted on forums asking to trade or buy. Guess what? I have not gotten a single offer for someone to sell or trade with me. All of my maramails and maratalks to people, asking about the map pieces, have been ignored and my over offers rejected. I'm honestly shocked at the rudeness. I've even offered 5 mil on a freaking map piece and the person rejected it and did not even reply to my mail; they didn't even say no. I have sold a bazillion map pieces to people today and given out so many deals and this is how I get repaid lol.
Sorry I'm just really fed up with this and I think I'm taking a break from Mara for a while.....

Monthly Checklist Win
8 years, 8 months & 10 days ago

1st Jul 2016 13:27
Today I won my first Monthly Checklist prize

I'm so excited

Beast in The Woods
9 years, 4 months & 19 days ago

24th Oct 2015 21:12
I completed this mission today and changed Ethelina into an orange Astro.