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  1. More roleplays
    11th Dec 2011 10:13
    13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  2. The Nature Chronicles: The light has returned
    18th Feb 2010 18:10
    15 years & 24 days ago
  3. Roleplays don't steal
    10th Oct 2009 13:09
    15 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  4. test what creature are you~New siggys~^-^
    14th Jun 2008 20:54
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
More roleplays
13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
11th Dec 2011 10:13

I'd thought I'd bring a little life to the forums after being gone so long. So lets have fun and rp. Also I haven't rped in storybook form, this is what they call it on the rp site I'm usually on, in awhile so sorry If I'm not good at it.

In the year 2012 and a violent outbreak of a new type of illness is sweeping across the world. Many have died from this disease and people have grieved and started to bury the dead. Although, the dead have been coming to life and attacking people, biting them and turning them into zombies. It's now 2015 and you are sitting in your shelter, waiting at a radio to hear someone, anyone out there. The radio crackles to life and a female voice is heard,"Hello this is the leader of the refugees. If anyone is still out there, we need you to stay away from the cities, they're the most populated with zombies. Those who are in the cities, find a car and get out now,"a crackle interupts,"I'm losing connection so I'll tell you quickly, the zombies have gotten smarter. They're faster and stronger than before, I think it was the antidote the scientists claimed would stop people from becoming zombies. Be even more careful out there. Any looking for a refuge, we are in the swamp lands of Florida, It's harder to get to us there, but It also means harder for zombies. End transmission." The radio goes silent and you wonder what you should do now.

PG-13 violence
And yada yada yada


Name: Electra
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Weapons: Crossbow and a sword
Personality: Quiet
Other: Family was killed by zombies.

The Nature Chronicles: The light has returned
15 years & 24 days ago
18th Feb 2010 18:10


"Mommy.....Mommy.....Mommy!"I shrieked." She's dead kid."A woman said. She had cotton candy pink hair and piercing blue eyes."Now it???s your turn!"The woman said and struck me through the heart with a sword. She slowly pulled the sword out of me and walked away. She turned back and said with a chuckle "Child of prophecy...there's no way."She turned and walked into the shadows. If I was human I would've died already. My life hanging by a thread. A boy ran to me and picked me up in his arms."Dusk! Hang on! Please don't leave...."his voice became softer as I slipped away from consciousness. All I know is that I survived drinking his blood. But sadly that day I lost my mother.

Roleplays don't steal
15 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
10th Oct 2009 13:09

I havent roleplayed for awhile but I'll try to make this an interesting plot.....

'They have warriors of the apocalyspe...whose leaders will save the world...I hope we meet soon'a figure thought standing on a mountain.

New York City 2012-

"Oh my god!"a women shouted as a monster gulped down atleast 20 people off shore. The Leviathan is it's name. A creature that looks like a huge fish that lives in the worlds oceans. "Is it time?"a figure in the shadows said."Yes lets go"the other one said. Right then many figures shot out of the water and attacked the Leviathan, which made it disappear back into the ocean. Then the figures disapeared.

JamesTown, Virginia 2012-

A hairy figure charge though the streets destroying cars and chasing people. The infamous bigfoot who lives in forests in many places. Several figures darted out of the bushes and bound the bigfoot with rope and disappeared with it.

Point Pleasant, West Virginia 2012-

a moth like creature with a resemblance to a man attacked a passerby. The mothman a creature that shows it's self when a large incident is about to happen. A few figures step out of the shadows and throw a metal collar at the mothman that electricuted it instantly. The figures and the mothman disappeared.

Philidelphia, Pennsylvainia 2012-

a large bird apearred attacking helicopters and some citizens. The thunderbird a large bird with dull colored feathers that is in many native american myths. Several figures apeared darting down from the sky and wrapped the figure in chains. They disappeared with it.

These are the few sightings of the four unknown groups. 2012 is the year these groups appeared to stop creature from wreaking havoc. Most sightings of them happen in Maryland in a small town called Wolf Creek. Who are they? They are students,groups of friends that are half animal. Yet these four groups of friends have yet to meet until today.....

Pg-13 violence
NO romance
just 1 power per person
mara roleplaying rules

Half aquatic animal group-

Half forest animal group-
Leader: Dusk Fire(Wolfie1234)Wolf

Half mountain animal group-

Half flying animal group-

Groupsad.gifask to be a leader)

Name: Dusk
Age: 15
Group: Forest animal LEADER
Animal: Wolf
Power: Darkness
Other: well she's gothish and random at times and loves to draw and sing and play electric guitar.
Darkness is all around us(Creature Mansion)

A teenage boy crept up the driveway keeping to the shadows. He held a bat close to himself looking around warily. He heard that the house had belonged to a mad scientist who killed humans and ate them, in the afterlife too. So his friends dared him to go. He gripped the bat tighter and was about to go in when a voice rang out in the night. "To all humans who dare enter this mansion inside you will meet creatures who are past human comprehension. They may lead you to your doom...". He went in anyway. A few days later his body was found torn to shreads just outside the woods who or what could have done this?You'll just have to find out.

Pg-13 violence
Dont take a power someone already has
Can be any creature,hunter,or human

Power(creatures only):

Name: Dusk
Age: 115(looks 15)
Looks: on profile but with a black corset shirt and black pants
Species: Wolf Demon
Power(creatures only): Magic
Other: Tells humans to go away and gets annoyed because they don't listen
Devil's forest(fantasy rp)

"What was that?"a blonde girl with frightend blue eyes said."It's in your imagination Kate."A boy with brown hair said.A branch snapped and a howl ripped through the air."W-w-we should go back this isn't a good idea."She said with her eyes darting to every place around her."No way I'm not giving up on the dare......".A tree shook and two dark figures immerged lunging for them.The boy pushed a figure of himself and started running leaving the girl screaming as the figures closed in on her.

Moonlight forest also known as Devil's forest because of all the killings there.There is also a insane asylum in the middle of the forest where a man killed many of the guards and mental paitients then offed himself.It is claimed to be haunted to this day.Many people don't know that vampires,werewolves, in the forest.Do you dare to enter the forest?

One power per creature and cannot be the same as another's
NO Gifted Humans
mara rules

Power(creatures only):

Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Looks: On profile
Species: Demon
Power(creatures only): Darkness
Other: none
October the creepiest time of the year (vampire)

In the small town of Wolf's Run every October people trick or treat every night.On Halloween they have a big celebration.There are things lurking in the shadows though with a taste for blood.This October there have been many killings while the kids and teens have been trick or treating.Will you be next?

One power per vampire and cannot be the same as anothers(same with costumes for humans)
PG-13 violence
Mara rules


Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Looks: On profile
Species: Vampire
Power: Darkness
Other: Doesn't like to be around people
Witch rp

Salem 1692-This was when our kind were killed.Many humans were killed too.The Salem witch trials was supposed to kill all of us.But we still survive.

It's 2009 and in Salem we witches still exsist.We act like we are human to not draw attention to us.Some of us don't know about our powers some do.Ultimatly we need to survive.

NO romance
Pg-13 violence
One type of magic and cannot be the same as another's
You can be a witch,human,or hunter

Type of Magic(witch):

Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Gender: F
Looks: on profile
Species: Witch
Type of Magic(witch): Dark
Other: none

Name: Flames
Age: 14
Gender: M
Looks: on profile
Species: Witch
Type of Magic(witch): Fire
Other: none
Vamp rp

A boy splashed in the river collecting rocks.He stood up and looked around.Usually nothing bad ever happened in Wolf's Run so parents wouldn't get scared if their child was out at night.A figure stood in the shadows watching the boy.The slipped and scraped his knee.The figured stumbled back after smelling the blood.Then it lunged for the boy with it's eyes glowing red."N-nno please...."the boy whimpered scared to death."Sorry."the figure said and sucked the boy's blood dry.

A scream sounded in the night.Everyone heard it in the small town of Wolf's Run.In the morning a child was found dead in the river near the town.People think it was a animal attack.But some of the people in town think other wise.Those are the people who know of the exsitence of vampires,Slayers.Will the towns people be killed?

No Romance
Pg-13 violence
One power per vamp and don't have the same power as another
Mara rules

Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Looks: first on profile
Power: Darkness
Spiecies: Vampire
Other: kills people when she smells blood.She can't help it.
Gifted rp

January 1,2100-I feel like there is someone watching me all the time.It's probaly the military.They were always scared that us gifteds would do somthing horrible.

January 2,2100-I heard gun shots down stairs.I'm hiding in my closet now.I'm completely freaked out.There is someone in my room!Oh no he's coming towards the closet!

January 10,2100-I found out what's going on.Apparently hunters sell you for a high price to horrible people.Luckly I escaped and am living with my little sister since are parents were killed.We know were being hunted down,but were not going down without a fight.

It's 2100 and gifteds are being hunted down.They are taken and sold to people who need their gifts for military or for terrorist reasons.Will you be Hunted?

Pg-13 violence
Dont take a gift someone already has


Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Looks: First on profile
Gift(gifted): Darkness
Other: little sis is Night

Name: Night
Age: 6
Looks: 3rd pic on profile
Gift(gifted): Magic
Other: none
Vamp & Were rp

People think the jail Alcatraz Is empty but somthing strange is going on.People dissapearing,drops of fresh blood everywhere,and dead bodies have been found in jail cells.What is happening only the vampires & werewolves know.Dhampires have taken over alcatraz and are telling humans that the vampires and the werewolves are killing the humans.Slayers have come to Alcatraz and so has a few teens to check out Alcatraz at night.....

No Romance
No GM or PP
Pg-13 violence
Yes vampires have bat wings
Don't take a power someone already has
Have fun

Were form(werewolves):
Power(vampires & dhampires):

Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Looks: 1st on profile
Gender: F
Power: Darkness
spiecies: Dhampire
Other: none

Name: Zeke
Age: 15
Looks: last on profile
Gender: M
Weapon: Sword
spiecies: human
Other: Hates everyone and everything
Whats up with the fangs rp

New York 1929-

A girl is walking on the sidewalk with her brother.

"Hey Matt is there an easier way to get home?"The girl said."Only If you want to go through an alley."he said.They turned into an alley and somthing jumped the girl."Scarlet!"Matt yelled.The figure bit her and sucked out most of her blood.Then the figure bit Matt and took all of this blood.The figure left her to die.She blacked out.....

New York 2009-

A girl watched the streets from a building."Scarlet what are you doing?"a white cat asked her."I told you to call me Dusk,Matt."She said."Still looking for the guy who turned me into a cat and turned you into a vamp huh?"the cat said."Yes I am and when I find him I will make him turn you human again brother."She said."He must've left the city by now who would stick around for 80 years knowing that you would probly kill them?"the cat said."I don't know Matt,I don't know."she said.

No Romance
PG-13 violence
No GM or PP
Don't have a power someone else has
One power per person
Have fun


Name: Dusk(Scarlet)
Age: 94(looks 14)
Looks: first profile
Species: Vampire
Power(vampire): Shadows
Other: Wants to find the person who turned her

Name: Matt
Age: 94
Species: Immortal Cat(used to be human)
Other: Was turned into a cat by a vampire for some reason
Soul Catchers rp

Soul catchers destroy evil spirits.Zakuro Fuji found out she was one when a boy,another soul catcher,fell out of the sky fighting an evil spirit.Right now the boy is out of his soul catcher form and in the hosipital where Zakuro lives on her own since her parents died.

Pg-13 violence
this is based on one of my books im making so don't steal
you may have a made up

Positions(with soul catcher form)-
Zakuro(Elfen): Taken
Kai(Elfen & in the hospital):
Zai(Black Knight & Kai's bro):
Sara(Vampire & Hawks twin sis):
Hawk(Bird like/vampire Sara's twin bro):
Dark(Wolf girl):

Soul Catcher form:

Name: Zakuro
Age: 14
Looks: Olive green hair,brown eyes,a black T-shirt,and jeans
Soul Catcher form: Olive green hair,brown eyes,greenish skin,elf ears,a dark green tube top with golden swirls,and a long skirt with 2 silts going to the middle of the thigh.
Other: newest soul catcher
Mutant rp

Scientists have altered people's DNA with animal or mythical creture DNA.Some of them have escaped and are called the Rebels.

Rebels ranks-
Fighter(free experiments)
Healer(cure sick people and heal wounds)
Settler(puts up tents,cooks,and puts down sleeping bags)

Mara rules
Pg-13 violence
don't have dna that someone already has



Name: Dusk
Age: 14
Looks: siggy
Rank: fighter
DNA: fallen angel
Other: none

test what creature are you~New siggys~^-^
16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
14th Jun 2008 20:54

Are you fierce?
A.yes too nice
d.wolf fierce

are you gentle?
c.i love all creatures
d.I like only wolfs

are you a fighter?
c.would never fight
d.only when threatend

Are you mean?
b.a little bit
d.depends on my temper

Sigs-(coming soon)

mostly a's Vampire:
mostly b's pixie:
mostly c's fairy:
mostly d's werewolf:

Half monsters-
I was a Vampirewink.gifthumbsup.gifpost your score

  1. More roleplays
    11th Dec 2011 10:13
    13 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
  2. The Nature Chronicles: The light has returned
    18th Feb 2010 18:10
    15 years & 24 days ago
  3. Roleplays don't steal
    10th Oct 2009 13:09
    15 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  4. test what creature are you~New siggys~^-^
    14th Jun 2008 20:54
    16 years, 8 months & 28 days ago