Sweet Desire Staff
15 years, 2 months & 24 days ago

20th Dec 2009 02:09
If You want to Quit Sweet Desire, simply enter your name below (:
If you want to stay, please make atleast 1 of these graphics:
- Siggy
- Layout
- Profile [preferred]
- Icon/avatar [preferred]
- Pixel [preferred]
- other...
And mm it to Samiah.
Thanks (:
15 years, 7 months & 8 days ago

5th Aug 2009 06:13
This is for Sweet Desire Staff [ONLY]
Please Give a little Paragraph about yourself here.
Here are some pointers to help you out:
Love Dress Donations. =D
15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago

6th Jul 2009 05:20
Billster - 25,000 MP
Sometime - 17,277 MP
Taite - 100 MP
xretroshadess - 10,000 MP
HollyChocc - 100 MP
Synonym - 90,000 MP
BlossomPie - 500 MP
Katie1213 - 50,000 MP
darkstare58 - 5,000 MP
Rachelll33 - 10,000 MP
Katie466 - 1,000 MP
ILoveJamieRazzo - 10,000 MP + Pink DNA
Shannonrae - 250,000 MP
Courtneye1 - 50,000 MP
Sometime - 35,564 MP
Natashee - 100,000 MP
captnzelda - 100,000 MP
SiruisSiriousBlack - 25,000 MP
Ambo88 - 1,000 MP
katkatdid - 15,000 MP
FunkyMonkyGirl03 - 20,000 MP
AngelStar04 - 11.76k + A bunch of items
ZoeGomez - 20,000 MP
Ancestor - 100k + White Jessup Potion
ElectricShock01 - Bunch Of Items :]
JessiJellyFish - 1,000 MP
astar7911 - 10k MP
dollpeople - 30k MP
MP excluding Donations (for Me to remember): 1,906,126 MP
Please Post Here If You Donated. =)