People's Blogs
16 years, 7 months & 26 days ago

22nd Jul 2008 17:11
Some people's blogs are so boring and some are so exciting if you know some good people with some good blogs post them in the comments here I mean here is an example
Name:mickey1310 Blog

eople's Blogs
My dream pet
16 years, 8 months & 6 days ago

11th Jul 2008 14:59
My dream pet is a zoosh tho i will never probably get it. Unless it comes from the jeona misson. I love zooshes. Their so cool don't you just love them too.
17 years, 9 months & 5 days ago

13th Jun 2007 13:57
to me bulldogs are the most coolest dogs in the world and you might ask do I have one and yes I do he is an english bulldog and his color is brindle.he is the most cutest thing I have ever seen his name is jake and he is just a puppy not one of those old fat wrinkled ones he only has a couple of wrinkles and he is 1 year and a couple months his birthday is november 20th 2006 he was the fatest of all the puppies.he will eat everything or anything. except for humans and other animals which are alive and yes he eats his own barf which comes quite handy because we don't have to clean it up then and he is housebroken and he is not for sale he will never be. that's because he is not just my dog he is everyone's dog