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  1. Giving People
    12th Mar 2008 01:24
    17 years & 7 days ago
  2. Privilege: Defined
    2nd Jan 2008 00:52
    17 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
  3. Family Man Update (sagely advice edition)
    25th Dec 2007 02:42
    17 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
  4. KUDOS Gallore
    24th Dec 2007 01:36
    17 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  5. Family Man
    27th May 2007 21:18
    17 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
Giving People
17 years & 7 days ago
12th Mar 2008 01:24

There are some people out there that just are helpers. There is one out there that I would LOVE to send praises of this person to all four corners of this wonderful 2D world. I hope the person, whose name i will not mention due to the fact they might get flooded by beggers. Knows who I mean. Thank you for everything.

When others read this......Stop and think of people who have helped you, be it at work, school, or play. Think how life was made better by a small or grand gesture of help, kindness, friendship, or love. Thank you for reading.

Privilege: Defined
17 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
2nd Jan 2008 00:52

I have had pleasure of meeting some rather HARDWORKING and yet disgruntled Marapersons. Disgruntled? Hmmmmmm, why would someone be upset while playing on a game? Well in a word: GREED. These people have worked there rear off waiting, restocking, pricing, clicking, watching, selling, purchasing, reselling, price checking, haggling, guiding newbies, running missions, doing quests, playing games, visiting Tombolas, robbing graves, paying bills, upgrading galleries, upgrading shops, and speed typing to get the item EVERYBODY has the exact same chance to get. But wait there is more their pets; they take the time to outfitting their pets, arming, reading, watching, schooling, feeding, healing, musically inclining their pets, playing with, Dealing with Health, Magic, Level, Strength, Defence, Speed, and Charisma. My list can go on and on, but I am hoping by now the point has been made. Money does NOT just fall in your lap. You have to EARN it. That whining and begging to people that I have the HONOR of knowing, do NOT deserve the crap they get. This is a GAMING site not a "practicing to be a panhandler" site. The "Rich" people on this site got there by hard work not begging. These "old" players deserve your respect NOT your "gimme gimmes'wink.gif. Here is another way to look at it. Think of the most prized possesion you have and someone coming up to you out of the blue and saying "Hey you don't deserve that give it to me". What would you do? give? I think not. Now for the definition. Privilege is a right or benefit, advantage, or favor given to those who WORK for it. So when I say Privilege I mean WE all can have everything, with in reason we want if we strive toward it with consideration, hard-work, KINDNESS, and last but not least......RESPECT.

Family Man Update (sagely advice edition)
17 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
25th Dec 2007 02:42

Well my youngest turns a year in a month and a day. My oldest is almost looking me staight in the eye(and does when he is in shoes and I'm in sock feet). All my girls are wanting to experience make-up, WOW time is flying by so fast. So Sagely advice to children and teens hold on to your youth don't be so quick to grow up, and trust your parents they've been through it. Parents love your spouses and your children like they are the most awesome treasures in the world(because they are). To everyone my christmas wish is you have a relationship with your spouse and children as good as mine. If this happened to everybody on the planet World peace would be achieved.

KUDOS Gallore
17 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
24th Dec 2007 01:36

A special KUDO goes out to BADTAMA
A special KUDO goes out to SweetPandemonium
A special KUDO goes out to CanadasBabe
A special KUDO goes out to Dangelica
A special KUDO goes out to Shera50
A special KUDO goes out to tanlenus
A special KUDO goes out to MrPeaboddis
A special KUDO goes out to Denny1
A special KUDO goes out to jessi53
A special KUDO goes out to pinkbekcam
A special KUDO goes out to I_Like_Kidney_Beans
A special KUDO goes out to NoxidPulse
A special KUDO goes out to rade
A special KUDO goes out to spicypink
A special KUDO goes out to StormyKitty11
A special KUDO goes out to Saukee
A special KUDO goes out to mileyfan13
A special KUDO goes out to ultrapippie
A special KUDO goes out to wildoaktree
A special KUDO goes out to fire_23
A special KUDO goes out to willemham21
A special KUDO goes out to MrsLloydeineHalpert
A special KUDO goes out to the_mines_of_moria
A special KUDO goes out to TheWan
A special KUDO goes out to thegame66*
A special KUDO goes out to evoke
You ALL are wonderful people that deserve many thanks
May the Karma Boomarang get them twice as much.
To All of those who have helped me a BIG Thank you.

Family Man
17 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
27th May 2007 21:18


Well I just had to get that out. I am Husband to The most wonderful wife in the world(I am a little bias on this one)
She and I raise 5 wonderful children, ranging in age from 4 months to fifteen years old. My family ROCKS. I am enjoying my experiance on marapets and have talked to interesting people that have done nothing but uplift (Go them!wink.gif which is very cool. Have a pleasent day.

  1. Giving People
    12th Mar 2008 01:24
    17 years & 7 days ago
  2. Privilege: Defined
    2nd Jan 2008 00:52
    17 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
  3. Family Man Update (sagely advice edition)
    25th Dec 2007 02:42
    17 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
  4. KUDOS Gallore
    24th Dec 2007 01:36
    17 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
  5. Family Man
    27th May 2007 21:18
    17 years, 9 months & 21 days ago