15 years, 1 month & 4 days ago

13th Feb 2010 13:59

Mara-people of all ages sign here!
Please and thank you!
Mara Besties. <3333 Cause I luff you guys!
15 years, 1 month & 4 days ago

13th Feb 2010 13:20
In no paticular order....
Daisuki- My clubbie buddy! I luff you VERY much.

gigi89027/ Katie- I forget where we met but we've come pretty close over time! Your a wondeful friend! <3
Snuffs/ Hannah- My RL bestie! You rock and I dunno if I could live without you!

Meowi- I remember when we met..... We both didn't win the give away but we stayed there the whole time. <3 We became such good friends thanks to that, though!Oh..... Still love my nickname, Drooly!
RoyalAffection- I really don't know how we became friends but you are so kind! Thanks for everything!
queso- Theresa.... -giggles- I can't say thank you enough for all you've done for me!You gave me my wonderful pet Theresa! ^^ You are so nice and I am fortunate to have even met you!
Furresto- I've known you for a LONG time. Just the other night me and Hannah (Snuffs) were talking about how long weve known you and how great of a friend you are. ^^
If I forgot you or you think you should be on here just post!

15 years, 1 month & 16 days ago

1st Feb 2010 16:44
My new dreamie is an Eleka viotto potion to use on Theresa. <3
Donations loved. <33333333
As of 2/1/10- 2,053,656 MP
Giant thank you card!!
15 years, 1 month & 22 days ago

26th Jan 2010 16:33
Thanks to Theresa (queso) I have the wonderful pet Theresa. ^^ For future refrence she is never or shall ever be up for trade. And I'm going to pay her back somehow.

And now she has given me a whooping 500k to add to my DP fund.
Thank you Bellie for donating 500k to my Eleka viotto potion. ^^ You have really helped. Thankies!

A tribute to Modest mouse. ^^
15 years, 1 month & 29 days ago

19th Jan 2010 15:49
I love your randomness. Forever on the bathroom wall I will read, "I don't feel at all like I fall." Ily.