Pet Goals
4 years, 10 months & 17 days ago

26th Apr 2020 12:50
I already have a goals blog but I wanted to make a pet goals blog as well to focus on each of them with love and care <3
Archex ~ Named after a Star Wars character from a novel I love.
Transformation goal: thunder lorius
Needs renaming: No
Caelia ~ Name is the feminine form of heaven in latin, and shares the name of my Star Wars oc that I've written hundreds of thousands of words about.
Transformation goal: considering a moonlight costume because I like to make difficult goals apparently
Needs renaming: no
Catrine ~ Name is my own real life name!
Transformation goal: Witch chibs if I'm feeling ambitious
Needs renaming: no
Ceifeira ~ Name is the feminine form of Reaper in Portuguese.
Transformation goal: Dream pet achieved 5/19/20 <3
Needs renaming: no
Fulcrum ~ Named after the alias Ahsoka Tano used as a Rebellion operative, originally a communications frequency by Anakin Skywalker.
Transformation goal: not sure
Needs renaming: no
Transformation goal: might change her to a nimbus fasoro
Needs renaming: yes
Mandible ~ Name refers to the lower jaw bone of an animal
Transformation goal: completed
Needs renaming: no
Transformation goal: completed
Needs renaming: yes
Transformation goal: completed
Needs renaming: yes
Starfighter ~ Name is a common class of ship in Star Wars that includes X-Wings and TIE Fighters.
Transformation goal: completed
Needs renaming: no
Transformation goal: completed for now
Needs renaming: not for now