6 years, 3 months & 8 days ago

5th Dec 2018 12:05
You have passed 4,620 Days Old and won Tween.
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 4,440 Days Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you Fake Royal Costume!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 4,350 Days Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 150,000RP!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 4,320 Days Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 12 Coordination, Stamina & Balance Stats for all of your Pets!
Congratulations! You have visited Marapets for more than 1,260 Days!
To reward you for your loyalty and playing Marapets for this long, Queen Eleka has just given you 14 Strength, Defence & Speed Stats for all of your Pets!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 4,290 Days Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 175,000BP!
Thanks MAra
Congratulations! You have paid taxes for 690 Days!
To reward you for your loyalty, the Sultan has just given you 250,000MP!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 4,260 Days Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you King Baspinar Video Game!
Congratulations! Your marapets account has passed the 4,230 Days Old status!
To reward you for your loyalty and staying with Marapets for this long, King Baspinar has just given you 1,000,000MP!
Thanks for playing Marapets!