14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago

24th Jul 2010 18:15
My name is Alexis and I will be applying for any MP, RP, or BP you'll give me. xD
I guess you want to know some things about me. I'm a very generous person. I give pets a lot. I hang around the pets, price check, and graphics forums when I do come on Mara. I'm not a newb. I've been for three, going on four years. I come on and off so I don't have an amazing post count or super amazing pets. I have a life outside of Mara. I'm not that worried about it. The other day I gave my friend a real named mordo and she was like flipping out because she thought I meant not to send it. It really didn't matter much to me so what's the difference really. At least it made someone happy I guess.
Anyhow, I would like to say its unfortunate that you're quitting but yes you are right. They are just pixels on my computer. A lot of people take Marapets way too seriously. So you don't get the pixel you want, no one cares. Even though you are right, I would appreciate the MP. I know you have a life outside of Mara and must have taken a while to get that much.
I would be using the money to buy a hobo costume for Abbigalle. Yes, I know the temple costs much less but I want the hobo avatar. I'm known as the hobo around Mara and I'm pretty sure I look stupid because I don't even have the hobo avatar. I have three million saved up but the hobo costume I want will probably be gone by the time I save the money for it. Like I said, Mara isn't my number one priority or anything so I don't have the time in the day to try to make so much MP. I may also use some of the MP to get my brother an ercuw potion. He is saving for one and maybe he would stop bugging me if I just bought him it and went on with life. If I decide not to use some of MP on an ercuw potion I'll probably start saving for something else that I would like to have on here. I also need the MP for statting Abbrielle. I need a battle pet and diamonds and crystals are starting to cost so much. I'm also planning on templing my burnt chibs so I have A LOT of mp to save. Your MP would really help me with the goals I have on here.
Your RP will also be quite helpful for me. I'm going to start to save RP so I can attempt fates. I've never even finished a mission on here before. Not that I care that much about it. I attempted blitzen but he hates me and asked for a chibs potion on my last level. xD
I would probably sell your BP for more MP or I may save it up so I can buy the more expense trading cards from that damn princess thing. I mean, after I get myself a battle pet I'll start buying cards to battle with. That way I can do knutt knight missions and earn more mp.
Now I would like to end this app with something funny because, honestly I hate writing formal apps.
My poem:
That was a beautiful poem I wrote you. It was from the heart, trust me.
Okay, I'm like done now because I have no idea what else to say. I think I did pretty decent. If not then oh well. /:
so pick me.
bia. [: