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  1. Meow!
    13th Nov 2008 10:59
    16 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  2. Quitting.
    14th Jul 2008 13:20
    16 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  3. His name is H.
    8th May 2008 13:15
    16 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  4. Candeh. <3
    6th May 2008 18:19
    16 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  5. Skinny Costume Siggy
    11th Jan 2008 19:57
    17 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
16 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
13th Nov 2008 10:59

Leave a comment! Say whatever you want. It's a yearbook.

I'd like to come and check on this every now and then since I've quit and sometimes I just like to visit. So, yeah. Every comment shall be read.

Leave me a saucer of milk and some Meow Mix on your way out.

16 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
14th Jul 2008 13:20

I know I've offended a lot of people on here. I want to say I'm sorry, and this is the only way.
I may come back one day, but, for now, I'm just going to come on every now and then to talk to my friends.
Don't ask for anything.
Just say goodbye.

His name is H.
16 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
8th May 2008 13:15

Some of you may know that I wanted Cirtan to be Cottoncandy. Some of you also know that I'd never been able to buy a Cottoncandy Costume myself.
That's where "H" comes in.
H doesn't want his name/nickname/username in this blog because he's afraid people will want to be his friend just because he gives nice gifts.
H. <33333 You are sooo pwnsome. You gave me a CCC (Cottoncandy Costume) for Pete sakes! Only a member with the kindest heart could do something like that for another member.
We've been friends for a little while since I talked to you on that clubless forum. But I didn't know I'd ever talk to you again after that.
But when I joined Nitro, I saw the username beginning with an H, and I rememembered! I asked him if he was the H I knew, and he said yes.
He maramailed me to say hey. He gave me a gift, and we talked a little bit. And then, today, he gave me a Cottoncandy Costume!
I know that he is a good friend.
I know he has a kind heart.
And because he has such a kind heart, he is one of my besties.

Candeh. <3
16 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
6th May 2008 18:19

Candeh's bday is coming up, and I wasn't able to get her much. Just a book called Guide to Candy Book. But she liked it, even if she's received more lavish gifts (-cough cough- Chibby Potion. -cough cough- Neffy Quell Potion) from some of her other friends. As I matter of fact, I think she loved it. ^-^
But, somehow, I don't feel it's enough. I don't feel it's enough for the friend who's given me pwnsome graphics that were pwnsomely free to me! But other people would've had to pay, oh, yes.
I didn't feel it was enough for the friend who is saving to give me a Cotton Candy Chibs, my dream pet!
I didn't feel it was enough for the friend who saved up RP and gave me Feb (My Zombie Tant) once she'd poisoned her (The Tant, I mean. xD)! I can't remember what for, though. xD But it was for some kind of special something.
What can you get for a friend like that?
Certainly not a book, even if it has her nickname in it.
So I named a minipet Floss (Check meh Chibbie, Dead, or, for long, longtimedead) Paytie, one of Candeh's other nicknames.
And I'm writing this blog about her pwnsomeness.
And I'm possibly going to make a pet that's somehow named after her.
Candeh, you've done more for me than I can ever do for you, even if I was richer than Ian. Because you've given me friendsh

  1. Meow!
    13th Nov 2008 10:59
    16 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  2. Quitting.
    14th Jul 2008 13:20
    16 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
  3. His name is H.
    8th May 2008 13:15
    16 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  4. Candeh. <3
    6th May 2008 18:19
    16 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  5. Skinny Costume Siggy
    11th Jan 2008 19:57
    17 years, 2 months & 4 days ago