Congratulations! You found the 'Lark'
12 years, 3 months & 13 days ago

29th Nov 2012 23:49
Hidden Avatar!

I wonder how many other people have randomly received? Just curious tis all.

Club Auctions Only Glitch !!!!!! 0.o
13 years, 7 months & 7 days ago

7th Aug 2011 03:35
Please be aware there is a random problem with the Club Auction Only trades. Have contacted staff and been told there is a glitch. Sent in a support ticket also.
Non-Members have been able to bid on other club auctions- random items affected- while being a member of another club altogether, with no 'club hopping' involved. The items may not be showing up as club only auction to some members when they bid.
It isn't nice being harrassed and called a liar when innocent of club only auction glitch. I am glad staff have sorted it out, but it is a tid annoying for some members to not listen and harrass others before finding out what the real problem is to start with.
I am forgiving though because I love my club/members and all the random awesome people playing Marapets (including the lovely staff


Giving out items from friends wishlists/galleries
14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago

19th Apr 2010 20:47
Keep them both up to date as I am going slowly through my friends list and giving out random items from your wishlist and or gallery.
Sorry I will not be taking more friend requests after this post due to possible unhonest people adding me just to recieve these items. If you really want to add me for some other reason, give me a MM and I possibly might add you to my friends :-)
A great day to all :-) I will be listing my gifts also. All funds from my shop will be going to this so fingers crossed xoxox

Pet Trades open for my friends only :-)
14 years, 10 months & 24 days ago

19th Apr 2010 20:44
I want to downsize. Though I love my pets and want them to go to a good home. Just a couple of guidelines:
- You have to be an active member on Mara that is you log in often (Once a month doesn't count sorry).
- The adopted pet/s will actually be looked after, loved and will be statted and not traded up for a 'better pet' later on.
- Can be a gift for another Marafriend but only if they will follow the guidelines.
- Do not add me as a friend just to possibly recieve one of these pets. I am here to help out the geniune members of Mara :-) xox
MM me your apps and I will be happy to reply to all requests :-)
The following Pets are up for adoption: