17 years, 5 months & 24 days ago

23rd Sep 2007 16:38
I know a place to get siggys ask me for one they are non animated though all siggies cost 1,000 i'll give u the code for them too once u get a siggy that you like i'll tell you the site once u get a siggy u r welcome
Stuff For Staffs
17 years, 5 months & 29 days ago

18th Sep 2007 13:41
Dear Staffs, you probelel never thought i was here but i really have good ideas for new pets and maybe even a new world on marapets i was thinking to tell you this because i have always wanted to make my own viedo games and compueter games. I am good at Fantasi and Ghosts ( Horror )
one idea is for a new costume Smarti-Pants, Bling , and Sky so staff mm me for new ideas Hope You Like 'em, Samnmeena
My Mara Quiz!
17 years, 6 months & 5 days ago

11th Sep 2007 17:06
1.What personality do you have
a. Happy and Nice
b. Cute and Snobish
c. misteryist
d. Funky Monkey
2. If you were picking a costume what would it be?
a. Light Side
b. Roaylty
c. Wizard
d. Funky
3.Your owner adopted a new pet what do you do?
a. Be Nice and make it happy
b. Leave Him ALONE my owner sopposed to take care of it
c. Come to him some times but leave him alone the rest
d. Give Him A FUNKY Costume to match you
4. How Good Are You Making Friends
c. So-AND-So
d. If they are funky oh yea i'm good
Mostly a's Ideus
Mostly b's Chibs
Mostly c's Quell
Mostly d's your one Funky Addow
If you took this quiz copy this into your siggy if not type this in your blog " I took samnmeena's MARA OUIZ And I was A _________