My RP characters! <3
14 years, 11 months & 2 days ago

11th Apr 2010 08:04
Here are all my rp kitties,
Fangstar; A large dark ginger tom wit amber eyes. He has massive paws and a few black stripes along his back. He is assertive and strong. He is the leader of Oakclan.~THEGIRL900
Dreamscar; A mysterious and somewhat ambicious tom. He has a few secrets that his clan does not know about, so they trust him. He is dark brown, almost blackish and has dark eyes that look like night. He is a warrior of Rippleclan.~THEGIRL900
Softspot; a lean, pretty she-cat. She is a light brown with darker brown spots on her body and stripes on her tail. She has lilac eyes with amber flecks. Her paws and muzzle are a vream color, slightly lighter than her base coat. She can be a little snippy sometimes so don't iritate her. She is a warrior of Oakclan.~THEGIRL900
Moonsong; A medium sized she-cat. She has a black coat with a very light gray underbelly and paws. She can get be a little jealous about some things. She is the deputy of Rippleclan.~THEGIRL900
Plushies! Plushies! Plushies!
15 years & 25 days ago

18th Feb 2010 11:18
If anyone needs a plushie that is NOT in my store, MM me and I will find, buy, and stock it just for you! Also, all of my plushies are reasonably priced so don't complain about it. CHOW!

15 years, 6 months & 4 days ago

8th Sep 2009 13:27
Hi people!I'm back on Marapets and I have changed a little bit.Ok,these are the new rules with me.
1:If you need a plushie,MM me and I'll see if I have it in stock.
2:If you want to be my friend,I need to get to know you first.
3:If you want or need one of my items,I could A,give it to you via gift.Or B,auction it only you,and in order for that you'd have to be my friend.Wich brings you to rule 2.
4:I will be on for 1-2 hours tops so if you need me catch me quick.
Alright,that's about it.CHOW!