pets nft/ft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!n bout me!
17 years, 8 months & 29 days ago

19th Jun 2007 10:26
pets for trade:
sir gen,I2Dont2Care,cutieypie,party animals,heritage,angel ere,lulu97
pets not for trade:
memorise,elka jrlove,xXxsummerxXx
you will be blocked if you mm me asking to trade and nft pets.
about me:
fav nickname:50-50 between bex and bekki
club invites:CLOSED FOREVER!!!!!

nly if i know yo realy well
pets:all except 3
can you lend me/give me.....:NO only to my best friends
how old are you:1,000000 years of age
-get all 4 of my dream pets[love lati,devil mordo,royal chibs,royal mordo]()
-join a gr8 club[defo](X)
-get on of my dream pets[love lai](X)
-get 2 of dream pets[love lati devil mordo](1/2)
-get 3[love lati,devil mordo, royal chibs](1/3)
- get all(love lati,devil mordo,
royal chibs,royal mordo
- get ova 1 mill(X)
- get ova 5 mil()
thanks for listening