best snipes ever!
16 years, 1 month & 2 days ago

15th Feb 2009 08:31
blue mordo potion- 200k
candy treats(about 237k) only 37mp!!!!!-best snipe so far
simerian key 14- 13k
second best snipe- checkered phanty poition 16k
sockmonkeys quiz!
17 years, 6 months & 16 days ago

2nd Sep 2007 16:52
.I took sockmonkey27's LE Pet Quiz and I am a mordo! To take the quiz see sockmonkey27's blog!
my story ( maramail if you want to add something)
17 years, 6 months & 23 days ago

26th Aug 2007 19:51
chapter 1: the beggining of the end

nooooooo! i cant believe its the last day of summer!only 24 hours left of no homework,no detention,and especially those swirlys from that prison oglue!i hate my life.....? who are you? "your mom, valentine_hero! cant you see me? oh well. we need to get you packed for school.moooooooom!oh, all right. you can have fun with your friends. but remember to be back by 8:30 ok?
ok mom.but one more question. wat did you do on the last day of summmer when you were a child? well, we had a big festival to squeeze out the last of the summer fun. ok, thanks mom!well i got to catch up with my friends. see you later!(end of part 1)
chapter 2: the costume
well, hi guys. what do you want to do? well i heard there was a scavenger hunt somewhere. no!thats boring. we should find something else to do.oh comon zoinko. dont be such a pill. reesy is right. we should o to the scavenger hunt. come on! we have no time to waste! hey theres a map to use. ill get it. hey! it looks sort of magical! nah, its a plain old dumb trasure map. oh stop bieng a pushover zoinko!ok, fine. great. ok. the first clue is to go 23 paces right, then 47 paces up,2places left1 space down, and then dig 17 inches down. you got that? yup. yup. ok, good!later... here we are!now som1 help me dig.ok ill help! hey guys! weve already dug 11 inches. i think we should go back.zoinko, stop bieng such a pill!a few minutes later..... wow! a superhero costume!that is like, a lot of cash! yay!!!$$$$$ fine, its mine!zoinko, you didnt help at all! we are not giving it to you!reesy, i think you should have it. no way ! you do know that costumes make me feel sick! oh ok, then i will wear it!
chapter 3: the peril....