17 years, 4 months & 16 days ago

30th Oct 2007 14:09
Own a Black and Chocolate chibs [X]
Own Fire a Quell [X]
Own a Zombie Sindi [X]
Have 500K mps [X]
have 1 mil mps [ ]
have a post count of 10,000 [ ]
help 100 newbies [ 3/100 ]
Naughty or nice?
17 years, 4 months & 20 days ago

26th Oct 2007 12:32
People who are Naughty/ Have done me wrong:
Friedonions (Vandelized my club),(will add more later)
Nice people who have helped me or just been really nice to me ^_^:
Sneak,xmasbonus,PupsPawz, squeaker11. (Will add more later)
Fostering CloudKit
17 years, 5 months & 11 days ago

4th Oct 2007 13:41
For the past week I have been fostering a 4 week old kitten (got him at 3 weeks). He is a Ragdoll mix, white and pale cream with Gray ears, tail.and front of Face. He has dark blue eyes as deep as the ocean. He is about 6 inchs long and has a mew of a wild cat. He is still being bottle fed and eats 3-4 times a day. He purrs like a human baby's rattle and just loves to be cuddled. He loves his comb!!! He is my first ever foster kitten and i am very proud of him. I stil can't beleave a full grown cat comes out of somthing so small. I love fostering and feel that i have never done anything so meaningful in my whole life ( 14 years)