Mara Help websites
16 years & 23 days ago

20th Feb 2009 20:45
-> Awesome marapet help sight. Have guides and everything.
-> Pet guides and Marapet help
-> Pet guides and siggies
-> Avi help
-> Battle guide
-> Everything help
-> Guides for missions, quest, stamps, eggs, etc.
-> Awesome pet trading and giving site! Real cool!
-> Good restocking help place
So if your pets are nonLE then they wont be worth anything unless they have these three things:
1: Stats- only some people really REALLY like stats but it does bring your pets value up. Level is not the most popular stat, so just don't stat that one. You should try to stat all areas the same.(unless you need to stat one area for a job)
2: Names- names that are not wanted with LE traders are underscores (_), numbers (123's) and random letter names (thnkljn).
Real words (ex. Nimble)and real names (ex. Dellamae)are wanted by most people.
Names that are /like/ real names or words are accepted by some people but not all. (ex. Precieux)
3: Costumes- People like costumes, it doesn't bring up the value of your pet because all nonLE's can get their costumes from the portal. But some people my be looking for a certain costume on a pet or they just like any pets with a certain costume.
Each LE also has it's different value too:
Poera, Daisy, Phanty, Olge, Krunk are worth lower then most other LEs.
Latis, Mordos, Ercuws are some where in the middle.
Chibs, Viotto, Quells, Rolfings are worth more then most.
*Follow these three things and you'll be on your way to getting a LE*