-----CONTEST OVER------

16 years & 13 days ago
2nd Mar 2009 15:07******CLOSED******
Every month or so I will be giving MP, BP, RP, or Items. Maybe a pet once in a while too.
1) All you have to do is answer the riddle, or the question, or figure out what the picture is.
2) I will randomly announce when I am doing another one, so you have to check up every now and then!
3) You can only guess one pet
4) You can only guess once
5) Please do not mail me the answer, just post it.
6)If you win I will mail you and ask you to create a junk trade because you WON!
Since this is my first one, I will give you a picture and a riddle. I will give 1k to the first person to tell me what pet this is!
Do not eat my friend,
The moon made of cheddar cheese.
I wish to be cheese
Ready. Set. GO!