My heart...
17 years, 2 months & 5 days ago

13th Jan 2008 08:18
Everytime i look at you,
i know that you don't notice...
That the way i look,is simply a way,
To tell you what love is.
Maybe its wrong to love you
and care for you this way,
But i know that deep inside,
Its what my heart says.
Eevryone keeps saying
that what i feel for you is wrong.
But time has come,you made me understand,
That with you is where i belong.
I keep praying and hoping that one day
you'll stay beside of me.
That i'll be the girl you forever treasure,
I just hope that you will see.
I maybe stupid,i maybe blind,
or an idiot to fall inlove with you,
But this is love,this is My Heart,
I hope you feel the same way too....