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  1. Charlotta ; YUNI GIVEAWAY
    12th Nov 2010 00:27
    14 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  2. Guasto ; EMO sindi
    5th Nov 2010 06:22
    14 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  3. 6th Birthday Stuff
    25th Aug 2010 04:29
    14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  4. Undying Festival
    8th Aug 2010 08:53
    14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  5. Profile Text
    3rd Apr 2010 19:37
    14 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
  6. List Of LE Pets I Created
    2nd Apr 2010 01:47
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  7. To Do List
    2nd Apr 2010 01:11
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  8. Girls Just Don't Realise
    27th Mar 2010 10:13
    14 years, 11 months & 17 days ago
  9. Maesey's Temple of Transubstantiation Journey
    20th Mar 2010 22:33
    14 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
  10. Circus Mission
    5th Mar 2010 19:14
    15 years & 10 days ago
Reasons Why People Quit
16 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
1st Jun 2008 01:19

Credits: Fiona, Fluffpoodle

It has come to my attention that many people are quitting Marapets. What a shame! However, I have an opinion that I have to voice out.

1. The FORUMS.
Chatspeak, SPAM and large siggies. I have seen enough. Occasional spelling errors are acceptable, but not intentional English errors. The insistence of using "3" when they can just type "E". Consistent attention seeking like "My brother just died an hour ago" is very commonly seen. We have just got enough of it.

"Plz, i realli wan tt costume. I wil trade my starry gumball 4 it. its veri rare." Yeah right, your starry gumball is rarity 30. Even wishlist like "FREE" when the owner later rejects your offer and tells you that it is so not worth to trade with you is a norm. Lets make it clear. "Free" or "FOC" means that that stated item is no longer wanted and it is for anyone with NO charge. Apparently, not traders just can't afford a dictionary. Don't worry, you can always visit: for an accurate online dictionary, and the best thing? It is free.

"Hi, my account just got hacked into and I lost my love Lati and ice Viotto. The hacker also stold 3 million MPs and my entire collection of potions. Can I have some MPs? Please????? I promise I won't do it again." Well, stop it. Sob storries are only entertained by people who are so ignorant that they forgot to read the rules that begging is forbidden. No way, no one will give you their Chibs or their Troit. No one will give you their Toddler Chibs potion. No one will give you their hard earned MPs, no one will give you their Pixie Costume. All they will give you is one tight slap (if possible). So just cease that sob story and use that time to play some games or self reflect on your laziness.

The restock times have been changed and there is no way one can even restock something from the toy shop. Please be more fair to those who wait so long but just don't have the luck.

5. The CLUBS
More and more clubs open. I am okay with all these, but it gets really irritating when people (you don't kow) start sending you club invites when you clearly state in your profile that you do not want any club invites as you are already in a great club. Some people are just so blind or simply uneducated. Go attend some enrichment classes then!

The only news we get is the lottery winner and the raffle winner. Yes, congrats winners. But please, we want some news! Even random news like, "there will be a random giveaway of 50,000MPs to members" is good enough. No one really cares who gets it. But we want some response. Why do I get the feeling that the only people running the site are those playing it?

Can we just get a technician and fix it once and for all. I am sick and tired of seeing a Light Azul potion at the potion shop only to find myself brought to a server error page when I was just about to purchase it. And mind you, it isn't my first time. I know, the programming may jam up occasionally. But occasionally is not every alternate day. Missing security codes, blank pages, unaccessible links... Whats next? A missing log in page?

We got enough of siggies that protest against the use of skinny costumes. Please, they are just PIXEL! They have got no feelings at all. That is the beauty of pixel, it does not exist at all. But unfortunately, people begin to feel otherwise.

They are just like our favourite insect, the grasshoppers. Instead of hopping on the grass, they hop on different clubs. Their reason? Trying to win the club quiz. When they hve tried the quiz once, they leave. Many clubs are experiencing the same problem. And there is even a club __(I shall not state what)__ which has two thousand over hopeful members who are only eyeing on the potion on the club quiz. Come on, don't tell me you never realised.

Stop claiming that you can make flawless, professional, high quality siggies when all you have done is colour the backgound pink and paste the Rusty on it using MS Paint. That is not call flawless, professional, high quality. That is called rubbish! Stop lying. If you cannot differentiate what is a job well done, you can always start a topic on the graphics board for assistance, there are many good siggy makers out there that can help.

Your friend broke a rule. He/She is banned. So? Do we look like we care? Don't post it on the forums to tell all of us. If you really think that your friend was mistaken, please open a support ticket.

41 Ways to Annoy Your Parents
16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
15th May 2008 01:03

1.follow them around the house everywhere.

2. Moo when they say your name.

3. Pretend to have amnesia.

4. Say everything backwards.

5. Run into walls.

6. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.

7. Go into their room at 4 in the morning and say "Good Morning Sunshine!"

8. Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder.

9. Say all of the words in a film.

10. Pluck someone's hair out and yell "DNA!!!"

11. Wear a sticker that says "I'm a retard!"

12. Talk to a pen.

13. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to ALL the time.

14. Try and climb the wall.

15. In public yell "NO MUM I WILL NOT clip ur toenails"

16. Put pegs on your nose and eyes.

17. Switch the light button on and off for awhile. Then say "Oh...I get it!"

18. Eat your hair.

19. Hold their hand and whisper to them "I see dead people."

20. When you shower or bath yell "I'm drowning!!!!"

21. At everything they say yell "LIAR!!"

22. Pretend to be a phone.

23. Try to swim in the floor.

24. Tap on their door all night.

25. When they say a word from a song you know...burst into that song.

26. Look through magazines and shout loudly "BRITTANY IS MARRIED TO A CAVE MAN!" and other random things.

27. Take all of the toilet paper from the bathroom and try to sell it to your parents!

28. Pass out bananas

29. Ask how much is 1 Hershey's kiss

30. Skip down the aisles singing "I've been working on the railroad......"

31. Hand out missing person fliers of yourself

32. Say "thats hot!" after EVERY thing you say.

33. Camp out in the frozen food section.

34.Ask someone where the cereal is when you're standing right next to it.

35. Give random old people your number

36. Go around asking people if their mother knows what they're doing.

37. Go up to someone and tell them their face is funny and run away.

38. Yell mango

39. Stand in front of a store, not letting anyone in

40. Call yourself nicknames like tree and nerd and hoppy

41. Say their name until they answer you and say "Hi!" and run off

By laurabaybee2007

  1. Charlotta ; YUNI GIVEAWAY
    12th Nov 2010 00:27
    14 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  2. Guasto ; EMO sindi
    5th Nov 2010 06:22
    14 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  3. 6th Birthday Stuff
    25th Aug 2010 04:29
    14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  4. Undying Festival
    8th Aug 2010 08:53
    14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  5. Profile Text
    3rd Apr 2010 19:37
    14 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
  6. List Of LE Pets I Created
    2nd Apr 2010 01:47
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  7. To Do List
    2nd Apr 2010 01:11
    14 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  8. Girls Just Don't Realise
    27th Mar 2010 10:13
    14 years, 11 months & 17 days ago
  9. Maesey's Temple of Transubstantiation Journey
    20th Mar 2010 22:33
    14 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
  10. Circus Mission
    5th Mar 2010 19:14
    15 years & 10 days ago