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  1. Quiz: Boy & Girl Side of Me
    16th Nov 2009 07:31
    15 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  2. Written By A Guy
    24th May 2009 10:02
    15 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  3. I Defeated The Deer
    22nd May 2009 22:45
    15 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  4. Public Guestbook
    21st May 2009 09:49
    15 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  5. Note to Staff
    11th May 2009 19:10
    15 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  6. Reasons Why People Quit
    1st Jun 2008 01:19
    16 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  7. 41 Ways to Annoy Your Parents
    15th May 2008 01:03
    16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
14 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
12th Nov 2010 00:27

Please take some time to read the following rules before you post

- If you have won *any* form of giveaway (whether mps/pets/whatever) from me before, the likelihood of you winning another is close to zero, so don't bother trying (:

- No mails

- No asking for other pets/mps/whatever

- Write a decent app (actually, I don't really care)

- Poems/graphics/lyrics are optional but are not necessary - I might just ignore them

- If your app is too long, I might just read the first paragraph and move on

- I don't mind if you use a recycled app because I wouldn't know (I don't participate in giveaways)

- Please refrain from using too large/small/brightly colored fonts

- If your app is deleted, please refrain from posting again, but you could always try - I might forget which I deleted

- The giveaway will end the next time I sign in (it would not be tomorrow - don't worry, maybe in a few days?)

- If the winner does not reply in 36h, Charlotta will go to the next person

- Please include the phrase "these days it feels naive to put your faith in hope" at the start of your post

*There is no need to rush through your app if you're busy - you can just post your username, you might just win. As I said, I don't reallyyyy care about the app. And also, it doesn't matter even if your app is in the middle of all the pages, really. If you win, it is purely luck cas as a matter of fact, I can't remember who wrote the best app, right?*

Good luck to all (:

Guasto ; EMO sindi
14 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
5th Nov 2010 06:22

Please take some time to read the following rules before you post

- No mails

- No asking for other pets/mps/whatever

- Write a decent app (actually, I don't really care)

- Poems/graphics/lyrics are optional but are not necessary - I might just ignore them

- If your app is too long, I might just read the first paragraph and move on

- I don't mind if you use a recycled app because I wouldn't know (I don't participate in giveaways)

- Please refrain from using too large/small/brightly colored fonts

- If your app is deleted, please refrain from posting again, but you could always try - I might forget which I deleted

- The giveaway will end the next time I sign in (it would not be tomorrow - don't worry, maybe in a few days?)

- If the winner does not reply in 36h, Guasto will go to the next person

- Please include the phrase " your love hurts like a paper cut, so sweet" at the start of your post

*There is no need to rush through your app if you're busy - you can just post your username, you might just win. As I said, I don't reallyyyy care about the app. And also, it doesn't matter even if your app is in the middle of all the pages, really. If you win, it is purely luck cas as a matter of fact, I can't remember who wrote the best app, right?*

Good luck to all (:

6th Birthday Stuff
14 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
25th Aug 2010 04:29

By jammybee

Gumball - Enpiah Alien
Card - Send a score
Balloon - Pot of Gold
Cake - Complete Elite/Gym
Minipet - Random
DVD - Complete a Mission
Pearl - Win a Battle
CD - Take a photo of a pet

Cake - Feed the cake to your pet.
Minipet -

Undying Festival
14 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
8th Aug 2010 08:53

"To find what Addow is the same but not
Refresh the magic stars it has got "
Search addow then click "enchanted snowy addow plushie" -P

"Ewwww, I hate gumballs. Somebody else can have it!"
Donate gumballs to the Pot Of Gold -O

"As still as one"
Go to the statue is simeria and use it -D

"Could you be the next king?"
Pull sword from stone (random) -B

"Your loyalty will be tested"
Refresh A LOT at the loyalty page. -O

"Sometimes it is all about winning"
Win a battle. (Uyaul is the easiest trading card) -O

"Itsy bitsy"
Play a game of spider soltiare don't send score just refresh. -Y

"Slip and slide, what a prison ride"
Go to the newth racing and bet on newth 6 (the prison one) -E

"Guessing is no fun unless you are right"
Play keno. -L

"Mini Umbrellas might be needed"
Put your pet in fasoro falls. -U

"Nothing wrong with some extra weight"
Refresh at obese fairy. -S

"Too much of the same gets old"
Search old costume in the search and click. (might need to refresh) -A

"Getting too vain will drive you insane"
Refresh at beauty contest. -A

"Take some time to wind down"
Refresh at clock tower. -R

"Slow or fast, just do not be last"
Enter pet to olympics -O

"From the leg to the ankle?"
Go grave robbing and find bones. -N

"Insane cuddles"
Go to the nutty tree. -C

"One, two, three, which shall it be?"
Try trash fairy -S

"The smell alone might make you sick"
Go to the trash heap

"You look simply gorgeous darrrling!"
Collect clothing from Clothing Rack -N.

"Its all a game of apples and oranges?"
Spin the fruit machine -K

"Use it fast, you are breaking the law!"
Use the portal. -S

"Are you my number one?"
Buy a lottery ticket -T

"Double it up"
Play double or nothing -O

Send score in the game 'Bounchy' -K

"Off with her head!"
Use guillotine -E

"Would you be interested in making a profit?"
Collect bank interest -A

"Witch house should you bring items to?"
Complete an elger quest -M

"WANTED - dead and alive"
add zombie tantua photo in wishlist

30. Eleka fountain

"They wriggle while you giggle"
Dig up a worm at worm digging
Letter: I

"If I was a rich man..."
Refresh at the Millionaires Lodge
Letter: O
You have won a Undying Festival 2010 Stamp!

33."Madness I tell you!"
Gain a Charisma Stat in Murfin Madness

34."Throw this fruit at the worm queen"
Throw(Give) a Wormy Apple at Indyo

35.IDK Clue
Refresh at Poisons

Profile Text
14 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
3rd Apr 2010 19:37

||Circus #2: 19/30||Fates #1: 25/30||[br]107,273 RP[br]
A promise kept. A secret untold.[br][br][br]Currently feeling ; Destroyed[br]
count your blessings.[br][br]
Sticks and stones are hard on bones[br]Aimed with angry art[br]Words can sting like anything[br]But silence breaks the heart[br]
revisiting the reality.

040410 1108[br]
infinite hiatus[br]
revisiting the reality.
College is getting more demanding and I do not want my grades to suffer.[br]I am taking a major exam at the end of next year and the content I have to cover is hefty.[br]I do not have so much time and the only way to make time is to quit.[br]I might come back to Marapets some day, but that is probably during my term break or maybe after my exams.[br]
It depends, really.[br]
I might not even come back.[br]
Do not get shock if you see me online, its probably one of the times when I get on this site.[br][br]
No, my mps are not for giveaways.[br]
No, my pets stay here.[br]
No, nothing is for you.

  1. Quiz: Boy & Girl Side of Me
    16th Nov 2009 07:31
    15 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  2. Written By A Guy
    24th May 2009 10:02
    15 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  3. I Defeated The Deer
    22nd May 2009 22:45
    15 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  4. Public Guestbook
    21st May 2009 09:49
    15 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  5. Note to Staff
    11th May 2009 19:10
    15 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
  6. Reasons Why People Quit
    1st Jun 2008 01:19
    16 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
  7. 41 Ways to Annoy Your Parents
    15th May 2008 01:03
    16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago